operaciones aerotransportadas españolas

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Veteran - Oberleutnant
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operaciones aerotransportadas españolas

Mensaje por magomar »

Os copio un mensaje de los foros Battlefront sobre una operación aerotransportada española en Marruecos (Ifni) en 1957.
Me ha parecido curiosa, no tenia ni idea
Abajo os pongo el post en Battlefront, y aquí teneis la operación entera en pdf y en castellano !! http://www.quironediciones.com/pdf/4.pdf

Oh yes a Spanish History question, while doing my earlier research on the Spanish Civil War I came up with a few post war Spanish scenario ideas - do you have any more information on the following?

25 Nov - 4 Dec: Tiliuin 1957
In Spanish Morrocco (Ifni)

The fiercest action was around Tiliuin in the south of Ifni. 60 men - including a high proportion of indigenous troops - defended the outpost and its civilian population:

* 1 x section of Tiradores de Ifni
* 1 x section of local Police

On 25 November, as a preliminary to a Spanish relief and evacuation of the outpost (Operation P-2 and Operation Netol), five old Heinkel-111 bombed and strafed the Moroccan besiegers. Another five Junkers JU-52s then dropped 75 paratroopers (15 per plane) onto the post while a sixth JU-52 dropped arms and supplies. The paratroopers comprised:

* Captain Sánchez Duque
* 2 x sections (1 and 2) of the 7th Paratroop company, 2nd Bandera
* 1 x 81 mm mortar section
* 1 x medical team (2 men I think)

This was the first jump into action by Spanish paratroopers and although it was conducted from half the normal height - only 200 m - there were no losses. The insurgents retreated upon the arrival of the paratroopers, but returned once the new comers had joined the garrison inside the outpost. At that point orders arrived instructing the paratroopers to retrieve their parachutes from the landing area, as these would be needed for subsequent drops. Under automatic weapon and mortar fire, a paratrooper section entered no mans land and dragged the precious silk back inside the defensive enclosure.

Meanwhile men of the 6th Bandera of the Legion marched overland from Sidi-Ifni to meet their comrades. On 3 Dec the beleaguered Spanish at Tiliuin heard the cornet of the Bandera. The Spanish retook the airfield and while still under fire evacuated their wounded. The Legionaries then evacuated all military and civil personnel (4 Dec) and fought their way overland - without transport - to Sidi Ifni, reaching safety by 6 December.

Thanks if you know anything about it?
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Veteran - Leutnant
Veteran - Leutnant
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Registrado: 20 Jul 2004, 20:16
STEAM: Jugador

Mensaje por cannon2004 »

Gracias a los dos por estos enlaces. Muy interesantes.
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Regular - Unteroffizier
Regular - Unteroffizier
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Registrado: 26 Ene 2004, 22:28
STEAM: No Jugador

Mensaje por Seth »

At that point orders arrived instructing the paratroopers to retrieve their parachutes from the landing area, as these would be needed for subsequent drops. Under automatic weapon and mortar fire, a paratrooper section entered no mans land and dragged the precious silk back inside the defensive enclosure.
Es decir que les ordenaron volver a tierra de nadie a recuperar los paracaídas? :?
Me parece una orden de lo más absurda, tener que arriesgar la vida y la misión por un pedazo de tela. Joer, tan valioso era el paracaídas? Más que el soldado?
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Conscript - Obergefreiter
Conscript - Obergefreiter
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Registrado: 29 Sep 2004, 18:12
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Ubicación: Zaragoza

Mensaje por Cadaver »


Si no recuerdo mal porque hace ya tiempo que leí sobre estos primeros paracaidistas sí volvieron por sus "sedas". Ten en cuenta que ellos eran los primeros paracaidistas y sus paracaidas eran también los primeros y además los ÚNICOS por el momento. Si no volvían por ellos no tendrían opción de volver a saltar hasta quien sabe cuando.

El ejército está detrás mío, excelencia.