[Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por Blackraider »

nadia911 escribió: 13 Abr 2020, 19:04 Salido el primer parche:

This fixes most outstanding bugs. I am still working on the list below, but I thought it was worth bringing out an update in the meantime.

Supply below 20 Conditional Order not working
No Maintenance not working.
All Stable not working
Jump shock affecting subsequent jumps for too long
Fuel burning too fast with Task Force Training
Unload tasks not using Max Items
Gracias por el aviso.

Como nota deciros que se carga la partida que estuvierais jugando y que ahora, al cerrar el juego, te recuerda que no has guardado la partida.

En la version 1.0 no se ni como ni porque una de mis naves se ha "destruido" y tengo el pecio para rescatar. Ningun mensaje ni aviso. Cosas raras supongo.

Tengo la impresion que las techs se investigan muy rapido en comparacion con el original y otra cosa que no he comentado es que ahora teneis una serie de puntos para construir naves de forma instantanea, asi, sin mas y ubicarlas en la flota que querais, aunque este en el quinto pino.

Toca empezar de nuevo.

Salu2. blackraider.
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por 8igualdos0s »

Un verdadero placer estar delante de esta pantalla "inevitablemente" azul otra vez, después de tanto tiempo. :mrgreen: El juego parece básicamente el mismo en un primer vistazo, aunque es cierto que hay cambios profundos en bastantes cosas. Hablaba incluso Steve de incorporar una especie de "cansancio de guerra" en los NPCs. Os dejo un link con un índice de los cambios de esta versión C: que linkea al caótico thread general:


Creo que el juego va muy fluido (habrá que llegar a late-game para comprobarlo). Empecé ayer una minicampaña por enredar un poco con él, personalizando la partida para hacerme la vida un poco más fácil, pero ¡ojo! porque la última update v.1.30 no es save-game compatible. El tipo ha sacado ya tres parches :W00t:

Creo que, por mi parte, voy a esperar un tiempo hasta que saque la versión de 64 y haga una buena limpieza de bugs.
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por bladewar »

los parches

Patch Notes(v1.10)

- Added a reminder to save the game when the player quits.


- "Powered Infantry Armour" is now locked behind TN tech.

- Disabled the option to create conventional NPRs as they don't currently exist.

- Removed the "Underground Construction Factory" as it was purposeless and created errors when built.

- Removed "Design Philosophy" button not meant for players.

- Removed useless "SM add" button.

- "Event days" field in the event window will no longer set itself back to the default 30 after the player reopens the window.

- Research cost of size 0.75 missile launcher was 2 and is now 2000.

- Added "(P)" to prototypes.

Fixed Bugs:

- White Screens shouldn't be an issue anymore.

- Player could still change armor and deployment time on a locked design.

- Player could select "maintenance supplies" from the construction dropdown even though they can only be built by maintenance facilities.

- Fixed several techs becoming available to research too early.

- Error on new game race creation if "Auto-Assign Tech Points" is selected.

- Plasma Carronades weren't seen as beam weapons by the game.

- Shipyards wouldn't use components from stockpiles.

- Selecting the "Minerals Only" option on the display tab would show all asteroids that contained minerals even if the player had not yet surveyed them.

- Player can no longer teleport ships being actively built to the fleet it's assigned to.

- Checking the "Avoid Combat" button didn't immediately give the "Non-Combat Class" status.

- Fixed a display error related to 500 ton ships.

- Text box for "Earth Mineral Deposits" on new games was not editable.

- Mineral production of conventional industry was a tenth of what it should have been.

- Unloading ground units a certain way would result in them disappearing.

- Sol would not be surveyed at game when player selected option.

- Civilian contracts would not stop transporting goods when they were supposed to.

- Class Tonnage did not display properly in certain situations.

- Fixed adding the wrong components in class design.

- Scientist specialization would not update in research window after changing it in the commanders window.

- Flagging a story character didn't work.

- Fleets were visible even though they had no ships assigned to them.

- Changing training level in race information didn't do anything.

- Selecting "All" in the officer window would show officers belonging to the NPRs as well.

- Trans-Newtonian cargo shuttles could be built even if the player didn't have TN tech researched yet.

- Players had the option of refitting a ship to a ship of the same class.

- Conventional starts start with the default 2 shipyards even when the player specified other amounts.

- Player can no longer force an error by entering negative values into the "starting year" field.

- Player could build negative numbers of buildings.

- Fixed errors when unchecking "Known Star Systems" with higher numbers of NPRs.

- Multiple slipways could scrap the same ship.

- Missile design window would throw an "Attempted to divide by zero " error.

- Player could not obsolete beam weapons or railguns in the "view technology" window.

- When using the mineral survey window, clicking on a body would cause the tactical map to center on that body, regardless of whether the "Center on selected body" checkbox was checked or not.

- Player could not see completed techs.

- Player was able to edit the class description in the class design window.

- Using SpaceMaster to survey a system would give an error.

- Fixed various incorrect tooltips and descriptions.

- Fixed various typos.

Known Issues:

- Required resolution is 1440 x 900. There is no reduced height option. This will not change any time soon.

- If windows don't appear, use Reset Windows button on the misc tab of the tactical map.

- No Hot Keys and Missing Tool Tips. These will be added over time.

- Date formats. Some users see the day of the week in displayed dates, which means there is not enough room. This can be fixed in by changing Windows date to shorter format in settings.

- There are no events on the main window - only on the Events window.

- Supply below 20 Conditional Order not working.

- No Maintenance not working.

- All Stable not working.

- Jump shock affecting subsequent jumps for too long.

- Fuel burning too fast with Task Force Training.

- Unload tasks not using Max Items.

Patch Notes(v1.20)
Fixed Bugs:

- No maintenance issue.

- Task force training fuel use was too high.

- Event Days and Max Events were set to 0.

- Checking "All Jump Points Are Stable" didn't work.

- Jump Shock lasted too long.

Aurora C# v1.30 Now Available + Patch Notes

Patch Notes

- Added passive sensor ring display for Deep Space Tracking Stations.


- Class Design "Wide View" now remembers it's setting after reopening the window.

- Removed "Extended Orbits" order from the game as they are not currently implemented.

Fixed Bugs:

- Quad Turrets made out of Quad Turrets are no longer possible.

- Compressed Fuel Storage Component is longer available at the start of the game. This time for real.

- Issue with armor sizing.

- Adding an NPR to Sol would throw an error.

- When designing a ship, hull type would revert back to "Cruiser" after the player specified a different hull.

- Starting planet was always called Home World.

- Moving Jump points using SpaceMaster didn't work.

- Fixed issue with orders when dividing fleets into single ships.

- In the Unit Class Design window, "Base Unit Type" and "Component Type" were selectable fields and would throw an error if clicked.

- Premade designs contained tech that was not yet researched.

- Game would throw "Tried to divide by 0" errors that got worse as the game went on.

- Button to remove ranks was not displayed for Ground Force Commanders.

- Conventional start would't spawn with the default 2 shipyards. It would only spawn a naval yard.

- Unchecking orbital motions for planets didn't work.

- Mineral Survey Window would not filter by Colony Cost.

- Partially constructed buildings were not modifiable.

- Player could view "Missile Engines" in the tech report. This is a bug as Missile Engines are not a thing in the C# game.

- Beam Fire Control hit chance versus Moving Targets was lower then it should have been.

- "Military Restricted Economy" confirmation popup did not function properly.

- Fixed typo.
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Crack - Oberst
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por Stratos »

Yo a este le tengo ganas, a ver si sale la versión de 64 bits.
-Los pilotos de caza hacen películas.
-Los de ataque hacen historia!

Regular - Oberfeldwebel
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por Blackraider »

Stratos escribió: 14 Abr 2020, 14:40 Yo a este le tengo ganas, a ver si sale la versión de 64 bits.
Puedes jugar sin problema a la de 32 bit. Cuando salga la otra te llevas la base de datos y ya ta.

Salu2. blackraider
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por Stratos »

Yo para esto soy muy torpe, funciona en Win7 64 bits?
-Los pilotos de caza hacen películas.
-Los de ataque hacen historia!

Regular - Oberfeldwebel
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por Blackraider »

Stratos escribió: 14 Abr 2020, 22:12 Yo para esto soy muy torpe, funciona en Win7 64 bits?

Saludos. blackraider
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por bladewar »

hola, bueno ando trasteando con el nuevo aurora y no consigo ver los minerales(de los pkanetas) en la pestaña minerales ,me salen las opciones con (0.1) y no me sale absolutamente nada de ningun planeta
en la minipestana de la izquierda(en el mapa) si que me aparecen pero no en la propia pestaña de inspeccion de minerales de todos los planetas....

lei por ahi que segui teniendo algo que ver con el tema del punto y de la coma pero yo tengo dos sesiones en mi win 10 ,una de ellas cambiadas a punto y sigo sin poder ver ningun mineral

os ha ocurrido lo mismo?(he probado en todos los parches)
Regular - Oberfeldwebel
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por Blackraider »

bladewar escribió: 15 Abr 2020, 12:17 hola, bueno ando trasteando con el nuevo aurora y no consigo ver los minerales(de los pkanetas) en la pestaña minerales ,me salen las opciones con (0.1) y no me sale absolutamente nada de ningun planeta
en la minipestana de la izquierda(en el mapa) si que me aparecen pero no en la propia pestaña de inspeccion de minerales de todos los planetas....

lei por ahi que segui teniendo algo que ver con el tema del punto y de la coma pero yo tengo dos sesiones en mi win 10 ,una de ellas cambiadas a punto y sigo sin poder ver ningun mineral

os ha ocurrido lo mismo?(he probado en todos los parches)
Efectivamente a mi me pasa lo mismo. Haces Surveys en planetas, lunas y asteroides y no se te refleja lo que encuentras hasta que no guardas, cierras el juego y vuelves a entrar. Otro bug.

Salu2. blackraider.
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por nadia911 »

Debéis cambiar la configuración de windows a ingles, por el tema de la coma y el punto, como se hacia antes
Regular - Oberfeldwebel
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por Blackraider »

nadia911 escribió: 15 Abr 2020, 15:43 Debéis cambiar la configuración de windows a ingles, por el tema de la coma y el punto, como se hacia antes
Yo tengo el teclado ingles con la consiguiente configuracion.

Salu2. blackraider.
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por nadia911 »

Pues eso aconsejaban para ese problema creo haber visto en el foro
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por bladewar »

Si yo también ,tengo dos sesiones de Windows y una es específica para el aurora con el punto e idioma teclado en inglés... Y ocurre lo mismo...no me he dado cuenta en lo que comentas de grabar y volver a entrar..
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por bladewar »

agregado mod de noche cambia los colores a gris oscuro y blanco,bastante mas "relajante para los ojos"

aqui una muestra


mod:https://www.reddit.com/r/aurora/comment ... e_windows/
Regular - Oberfeldwebel
Regular - Oberfeldwebel
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Re: [Aurora 4X C#] Hilo oficial

Mensaje por Blackraider »

Version 1.50 lanzada. La 1.40 y esta corrigen bugs, sin especificar por el desarrollador.

No es compatible con los savegames anteriores.


Salu2. blackraider.