Sobre 1.04

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Registrado: 20 Nov 2006, 09:58
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Valdemorillo Ciudad sin ley

Sobre 1.04

Mensaje por Alplenator »

Acabo de ver en el foro de Battlefront esto publicado el día 13.09.07

Yeah, the one weekend that I did 25 hours in one day (unfortunately, I can attest that it is possible to do this!) are hopefully behind us. I did more work in one weekend than a Frenchman is allowed to do by law in a full week. Yet America lags behind France in worker productivity... go figure!

We were hoping to have v1.04 wrapped up tomorrow, but that isn't going to happen. A speed optimization Charles stuck in worked GREAT for most of us, but actually put a couple of testers down to 1.2fps in some cases. To which Charles said "oh yeah... now I remember why I didn't put that in before" [Big Grin] So he's got to take it out and we have to retest again. That's thrown off our schedule.

As a quick preview, here are some things v1.04 will have:

1. More pathfinding fixes.

2. Hopefully the berm/hill shoot through problem is over and done with now!

3. Various TacAI issues tweaked

4. Commands at different Waypoints now works correctly

5. Stuck unit/soldier bug fixed

Lots of other stuff too.

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Registrado: 13 May 2003, 13:08
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: En mi casa

Mensaje por Haplo_Patryn »

En el hilo que tienes abajo y que se llama igual que el que has abierto, ya se explica. Cierro éste para evitar duplicaciones y facilitar la navegación por el foro. :wink: