Escenarios para CMANO

CMANO - Command Modern Air/Naval Operations
Harpoon, etc

Moderadores: Hetzer, Moderadores Wargames

Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2855
Registrado: 05 Mar 2011, 08:25
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Dandole caña a Incontinencia Suma

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Nueva actualización del Community Scenario Package con 26 nuevos escenarios, recomiendo meter parche del RC 1.11

Crossing the Line of Death (The War That Never Was), 1989: The two most powerful militaries in North Africa, Libya and Egypt, were not necessarily aligned with either NATO or the Warsaw Pact. This scenario, based upon the book The War That Never Was by Michael A. Palmer, begins with the neutrality of these states in doubt. Will Qaddafi side with the Soviets? Can the US cash in all the Egyptian IOUs?

◾Air Battle – The Litani River, 2017: Syria has placed SAM facilities in southern Lebanon, near the Litani River, and close enough to the Israeli border that they represent a threat to Israeli aircraft. After an incident in which an Israeli F-15 was nearly shot down, Israel has decided to eliminate the threat.

◾Battle of Kodel Channel (The War That Never Was), 1989: Geography was not kind to the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. The Russian, Polish, and East German ports on the Baltic Sea were blocked from accessing the North Sea and ports beyond by the nation of Denmark. The Danish islands formed the “cork” that sealed Warsaw Pact forces in the “bottle” of the Baltic Sea. This scenario attempts to re-create the “battle of Kodel Channel” from Michael A. Palmer’s novel The War That Never Was. The Warsaw Pact forces are charged with being the “corkscrew” by forcing an amphibious landing near Copenhagen. To do this they will have to overcome air, surface, and subsurface (including mines) forces.

◾Great Pacific War – Breakout, 2020: It has been several years since the Taiwan reunification with China. War has broken out between the Sino-Russian (axis) alliance and Japan after an escalating crisis related to the ongoing dispute over the Senkaku Islands. The US and allies side with Japan but devastating Chinese and Russian strikes have crippled Japan and the major US bases in the Western Pacific. The axis have air and maritime dominance in the East China Sea and are preparing to invade Okinawa. An axis CSG group has passed through the Miyako Straight into the Western Pacific to cut off Okinawa and Japan from allied reinforcements. An allied carrier strike group sailing toward the area is tasked with the securing sea lanes leading to Japan.

◾Great Pacific War – Breakout, 2020 [No subs]: A variation of the above scenario without submarines.

◾Iran Airbase Attack Drill, 2014: The Iranian Air Force has decided to stage an exercise testing their offensive capabilities. Aircraft from an airfield in western Iran are to hit another airfield defended by the best technology the nation can provide.

◾Littoral Mission – Cebu Strait, 2018: This scenario assumes serious civil unrest and terrorism has continued to plague the Philippines. The Philippines has turned to one of its closest allies, the United States, to assist them in hunting down terrorists based on Bohol Island.

◾Mexican Fishery Conflict, 2017: Mexico’s navy is not primarily designed for power projection, but rather to defend its long coastline and its large exclusive economic zone (EEZ). This scenario assumes that Guatemalan fishing boats have been violating Mexcian fisheries. The crews of these fishing boats have started to take matters into their own hands, ramming other boats and occasionally firing shots from pistols and rifles (not to mention the occasional black market machine gun). Both Mexico and Guatemala have deployed patrol vessels to the area to keep the peace.

◾Northern Fury #9.7 – Sub Surge, 1994: The situation in the North Atlantic remains desperate. The rapid capture of North Norway and Iceland have allowed the Soviets to surge almost 100 submarines into the Atlantic. The USS Enterprise CVBG spent two difficult days blunting an attempt by the Red Banner Northern Fleet to interdict the sea lanes, she is now preparing to retire for re-supply and re-organization, as are the major Soviet surface units. The USS Carl Vinson CVBG is moving up to relieve the Enterprise. The USS Eisenhower, after three days of hard fighting in the Mediterranean, has passed through the Pillars of Hercules and is heading north. She will join the USS Carl Vinson CVBG to strike at Soviet forces around Iceland in three days. This scenario focuses on pushing NATO submarines and some unique capabilities through the Greenland Sea to the very edge of the Barents Sea and the Arctic Ocean. The Soviets consider this area home waters, and protect the Barents Sea, one of their critical ‘Bastions’, vigorously. In addition to standard sub vs. sub action you will be required to complete several special missions while the Soviets hunt for you with plentiful and alert air, surface and sub surface forces.

◾Northern Fury #10.2 – Ant Eaters Revenge, 1994: The US 2nd Fleet is now conducting its first major counter-attack. The 1st phase by 2 CVBGs attacking to gain air superiority around Iceland is complete. Now it is time to shut down the Soviet airbases. You are tasked with conducting a decisive airstrike with the 27th Tactical Fighter Wing (TFW) reinforced, while transiting your forces to England. The 27th TFW consists of 3 squadrons of F-111s and a supporting squadron of EF-111 ECM aircraft; for this strike the wing has been reinforced by a squadron each of F-15C, F-15E, F-16CJ, F-4G Wild Weasel, F-117 Nighthawk and other supporting forces.

◾Northern Fury #10.3 – Decapitation, 1994: The US 2nd Fleet is now conducting its first major counter-attack. The 2nd phase aimed at shutting down the Soviet airbases on Iceland has just completed. Now Phase 3 is starting: You are tasked with conducting precision strikes to eliminate HQ and C2 facilities on Iceland.

◾Northern Fury #10.4 – BUFF Stampede, 1994: The US 2nd Fleet is now conducting its first major counter-attack. The 3rd phase occurred earlier today when the 2 CVBGs moved north again to conduct precision strike on C2 targets. Now it is time to bring in the heavy hitters and restore cave dwelling as an acceptable way of life for the Soviets on Iceland! You are to conduct a short, sharp bomb run of key facilities remaining on Iceland while transiting the 2nd Bomber Wing to bases in England. Your bomber wing is comprised of 3 Squadrons of B-52s and has been augmented by a squadron each of B-1Bs, EF-111s, F-16 Blk 40s and several squadrons of tankers. As well as support from elements of 2nd Marine Air Group (2MAG), and a U-2, the ‘Spirit of Missouri’ one of 8 operational B-2s will make that type’s combat debut.

◾Operation Adelaide, 2016: This scenario assumes an armed conflict has broken out between Liberia and Sierra Leone. Sierra Leone has crossed the border into Liberian territory, occupied the town of Bo Waterside and refused to withdraw. Liberia has requested help from the United States. The USS Jackson (LCS-6) has been fitted with a COIL laser weapon for this mission.

◾Operation Baltic Vigilance, 2020: Sweden and Estonia are holding a joint Airforce and Navy exercise. You are tasked to destroy several key military and civil infrastructure targets deep inside Estonia, these will be protected by enemy aircraft and SAM sites. Destroying radar installations, SAM sites and airplanes is your secondary objective.

◾Operation Bayern, 1965: Tanzania became independent of Great Britain in the early 1960s. This scenario assumes that the Soviet Union replaced its president, Julius Nyerere, with a puppet leader they could control and set about turning Tanzania into a militarized “African Cuba”. President Johnson considers this unacceptable. However, rather than just wait for Tanzania to become a new Soviet fortress in the Third World, Johnson intends to nip the problem in the bud.

◾Operation Reclaimed Might, 2015: A recreation of the Russian cruise missile strike on Islamic State targets in Syria, from ships in the Caspian Flotilla, on October 7, 2015.

◾Protecting Peacekeepers on Samar, 2024: The civil unrest that has plagued the Philippines becomes significantly worse by the early 2020s. Several rebel groups are active in the archipelago, some engaged in guerilla activities against government forces, some ideologically-motivated terror groups, and others little more than well-armed gangs of bandits. The Philippines has requested assistance both from its allies and the United Nations. One current operation is the deployment of U.N. peacekeepers and aid workers on the island of Samar, which has become the stronghold of one of the guerilla groups. Recently the rebels were successful in stealing a few older tanks and artillery pieces from the Philippine government. U.N. forces on the island are engaged in peacekeeping and humanitarian operations. The United States has been charged with assisitng the Philippines in providing security for the peacekeepers.

◾The Shores of Tripoli (The War That Never Was), 1989: The opening moves against Libya by NATO were a great success. The Libyan IADS around Tripoli has been virtually dismantled and the Marines of the 26th MEU have been successfully landed at Zuwara. Initial opposition has been very light and the Marines have driven to within 25 miles of Tripoli. Meanwhile, NATO’s military successes have paid off on the diplomatic front. Egypt has agreed to attack Libya and will begin driving towards Tubruq. Will the Libyan army collapse under the weight of a two front attack? Or does the “Crazy Colonel” have some tricks up his sleeve?

◾Turkish Revenge, 2012: In June 2012, Syrian air defenses shot down a Turkish RF-4, killing both crew and setting the tone for the confrontational Ankara-Damascus relationship that involved the TuAF shooting down multiple Syrian aircraft, and, most recently, a Russian Su-24. This scenario involves the Turks hitting back at sea instead, with a submarine being deployed to sink two Syrian corvettes. However, the Assad regime and its allies are prepared for any counterattack…

◾Uncle Mark’s Tutorials #6 – Toledo Hits ‘Em Hard, 2004: Al-Queada camps have been discovered in northern Pakistan. The Pakistani government has been unwilling to allow the United States to strike directly at these terrorists, on the grounds that camps found within their sovereign territory are under their jurisdiction. However, in this case, HUMINT sources indicate that elements within the Pakistani military are sympathetic to Al-Queada and are trying to shield the terrorists. Washington intends to take action. Pakistan has warned the United States that it will not tolerate direct military action against targets within its territory. The US, however, have no intention of allowing the terrorists to escape justice.

◾Sandbox Scenario #2: East Med A2/AD, 2016: On 13 January, 2016, a Turkish F-16 is shot down by Russian fighters after it crossed into Syrian airspace northwest of Idlib. Russia offers no apology and warns Turkey not to allow its fighters to stray into airspace where Russian military forces are conducting operations. In response, the Turks denounce the Russian action and warn against further Russian aggression. Heeding the advice of NATO military commanders, however, Turkey has been allowing Russian aircraft operating against rebel positions in close proximity to the border some wiggle room. Despite the hostile ‘attack’ against its F-16, Turkey allows the small buffer zone to remain in place. However, Adana has announced that it will regard any aircraft that menaces its airspace as hostile and they will be fired upon and brought down. For one week afterward, tensions have simmered, but Russian air activity over Syria has been nonexistent. Then on 19 January, 2016 Russia announces that airstrikes against rebel positions near the Turkish border will resume within 24 hours. The announcement increases the level of tension in the region as the possibility of a confrontation with Turkey increases. NATO has released a statement warning if Russia disregards the sovereignty of Turkish airspace and/or launches an attack on Turkish forces, Article 5 will be invoked immediately.

◾Alfa Wolf Pack, 1987: The Third World War has begun. There are offensive operations around all the globe. Norway has signed a pact with the USSR, declaring neutrality. The world is teetering on the brink of a nuclear war. At this moment both sides are only using tactical nuclear weapons at sea due to the threat of Mutally Assured Destruction. A NATO anti-submarine surface group is trying to enter Soviet bastions in order to destroy their SSBN fleet. You will handle the Soviet response to this strategic threat.

◾The King’s Hand, 2016: The assasination of Saudi Arabia’s King Muhammad bin Salman by Egyptian special forces draws the two countries with teetering relations into dire straits. A secret military plan known as “The King’s Hand”, an assault on an air base in Fayed and the home of the Egyptian military unit responsible for the assasination, comes into play. But some advisors worry that the plan is too little, too late as a military build-up by Cairo has been brewing for months. Can you beat an advisary that has a 2 to 1 advantage in air superiority?

◾Good Morning Malvinas, 1982: In the aftermath of the re-capture of South Georgia by British forces, it became clear that the Argentine government would not be open to a diplomatic resolution. In light of this, Prime Minister Thatcher authorised operation Black Buck, a series of Vulcan B.2 raids against Argentine forces on the Falklands. Your mission, as commander of TF 317, is to conduct covert insertion of special forces on West Falkland, perform follow-up Sea Harrier strikes on Goose Green Airfield and Stanley Airport, and achieve and maintain air and sea control within the total exclusion zone.

◾Bosphorus Blues (The War That Never Was), 1989: Thanks to controlling 75% of its borders, the Soviet Union had complete control over the Black Sea. This didn’t provide much of a strategic advantage due to one of the most amazing geological features in the world: the Bosphorus. This narrow waterway, dominated on both sides by Turkey, is the only access from the Black Sea to the rest of the world. This scenario, based upon the book The War That Never Was by Michael A. Palmer, charges the Soviet forces with opening the straight through force. This requires careful coordination between air, land, and sea forces.

◾Cold War Continued #1: Eve Of Destruction, 1995: On October 28, 1995, an explosion in the Baku Metro in Baku, Azerbaijan SSR, killed nearly 300 people. The Soviet Union and her allies blamed western agents for the attack, and promised that a harsh response would be met to the West. The West once again didn’t take this threatening of an attack seriously. What happened on October 31, 1995, changed the world forever…
Otros nicks: Meroka37
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Registrado: 23 Nov 2004, 09:41
STEAM: Jugador
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por Stratos »

De dónde puedo descargar todo este pack de escenarios?

Me refiero, hay algún megadownload para haceme con todos los escenarios de golpe? si estuvieran también las fotos mejor que mejor!
-Los pilotos de caza hacen películas.
-Los de ataque hacen historia!

Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2855
Registrado: 05 Mar 2011, 08:25
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Dandole caña a Incontinencia Suma

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Stratos escribió:De dónde puedo descargar todo este pack de escenarios?

Me refiero, hay algún megadownload para haceme con todos los escenarios de golpe? si estuvieran también las fotos mejor que mejor!

El último pack de escenarios está siempre aquí
Otros nicks: Meroka37
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Registrado: 23 Nov 2004, 09:41
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Amposta

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por Stratos »

Gracias Pijus! Lo he descargado, pero al abrier el juego me salen sólo tres opciones, Northern Inferno, Standalone scenarios y Tutorials. La carpeta Community no aparece por ninguna parte. Lo he revisado y la carpeta si está dentro de Scenarios, alguna idea??
-Los pilotos de caza hacen películas.
-Los de ataque hacen historia!

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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 3567
Registrado: 23 Nov 2004, 09:41
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Amposta

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por Stratos »

Ya he encontrado el problema, tengo una instalación normal y otra Game of the year. Ya he solucionado el tema.

Tienes enlace pata las afotos de unidades please?

Ya está!!
-Los pilotos de caza hacen películas.
-Los de ataque hacen historia!

Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2855
Registrado: 05 Mar 2011, 08:25
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Dandole caña a Incontinencia Suma

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Nueva actualización del Community Pack, esta vez he migrado todos los escenarios del pack a la última versión de database, y algunos problemas de errores de polígonos tambien resueltos.

Nuevos escenarios en el pack

■Frigate Duel in the Scotia Sea, 2023: Tensions have increased between Argentina and the United Kingdom, partly because of the recent discovery of large deposits of valuable minerals in the undersea basins south of the Falkland Islands. Argentina has replaced its aging destroyer fleet with a quartet of fast frigates based on the LCS-Independence design. One of these ships is steaming off Cape Horn to contest the area against a RN upgraded Type 23 frigate.

■The Lost Province, 2017: Nearly 70 years after the Nationalists fled to Taiwan, the PRC leadership has decided that the time has come to retake the island. You are ordered to initiate the invasion with a large air and surface force, supported by a hail of ballistic missiles.

■Operation Mole Cricket 19, 1982: During the 1982 Israeli offensive into Lebanon, it became apparent that the strong presence of Syrian SAMs would threaten Israeli air superiority over Lebanon. As Syrian Forces moved even more SAMs into the region, Israeli leadership ordered strikes against the SAM sites. What followed would be subsequently known as the “Bekaa Valley turkey shoot”.

■Skagerrak, 1963: A NATO task force must escort two ammunition ships through the Skagerrak Straits to the inlet of Oslo.

■Contigency, 2016: France has a long and accomplished history of successfully projecting military power in support of its national security goals from the American Revolution to the current war on terror. It does that by acquiring basing rights and staging small detachments of ground, air and naval forces worldwide that in the event of a crisis are in a better position to impact an outcome while more power is pushed into the theater. This scenario demonstrates the extend and limits of this ability in a series of evolving crises.

■The Honduran-Cuba War, March 12, 1968: In 1955 large quantities of iridium were discovered in Honduras. The country, which suddenly found itself in possession of most of the world’s accessible supply of this rare metal, quickly took advantage of its new wealth to become a regional power, purchasing military aircraft, a flotilla of small warships, and even a submarine from the United States. Unfortunately, the newfound prosperity could not solve every problem, and Honduran relations with Cuba have deteriorated since the Communist Revolution in that country. By 1968, tensions with Cuba have reached a breaking point. When a Cuban patrol boat fired on a Honduran fishing boat that had strayed too close to (but, according to Honduras, not within) Cuban waters, a Honduran destroyer first requested it break off its attack. When it was clear the Cubans had no intention of ceasing their attack and that civilian lives were in peril, the Hondurans sank the Cuban warship. Cuba has declared this casus belli and is preparing for war.

■The Honduran-Cuba War, March 19, 1968:
So far, Honduras is “winning”; while they have lost several aircraft, one of their elderly destroyers, and one of their minesweepers (which double as offshore patrol vessels), Cuba has lost three small frigates and more than a dozen combat aircraft. Cuba has sworn to make Honduras pay for its “crimes against world socialism”. Honduras is concerned about merchant shipping; it relies, among other things, on being able to get the iridium it mines to wealthy buyers like the United States. It also needs to purchase and then transport munitions to replace those expended so far in the war. Of particular concern are the Komar-class missile boats operated by Cuba. Honduras operates a number of older vessels purchased from America which offer significant firepower in the form of naval gunnery but have limited anti-missile defenses.

■The Honduran-Cuba War, March 26, 1968: The war continues. Honduras has managed to negotiate an emergency purchase of F-4 Phantoms to replace those lost in combat; in addition, it has assigned some of its elderly but still capable F4U Corsairs to fly CAP missions over the northern coast. The real problem is ammunition–the supply of missiles for the Phantoms is running short. A convoy with badly needly supplies is en route from America. It is essential that at least some of these ships make it to Honduras.

■Warthogs Over Latakia, 2013: The 2013 Syrian chemical crisis has escalated into total war. NATO’s initial strikes on Syria’s chemical weapons facilities have proven insufficient, and the downing of several NATO aircraft during the attacks has made the government overconfident. The decision has been made to strike directly at the regime’s army, as losing its conventional strength would mean being overrun by rebels. Two squadrons of A-10 Thunderbolts have been assigned to the task.

■The Bridges at Toko-Ri, 1952: The movie “The Bridges at Toko-Ri” was based on author James Michener’s writings as an embedded reporter on USS Essex (CV 9) and USS Valley Forge (CV 45) in the winter of 1952. This scenario is loosely based on the movie. Take command of Task Force 77.9, centered on the USS Essex, and execute defense suppression strikes in support of a USAF attack on the two railroad bridges.

■Crimea River, 2016: The winter of 2015 was a brutal one for Russian-annexed Crimea. Due to the collapse in oil prices and continued economic sanctions by the West, the Russian Federation economy was in shambles. In January 2016 dissatisfaction turned to uprising, and the first Crimean rebellion was brutally supressed by Spetsnaz elements. After leaked footage of mass graves was published, NATO was politically forced to take sides. A large strike on Russian military assets in Crimea was planned and NATO assets were assembled. Russia was alerted in time, however, and placed significant forces in anticipation of this attack. Despite Russia’s readiness, the political climate still necessitated direct action. NATO’s strike, codename OPERATION CLEAN SWEEP, was authorized to proceed.

■Convoy ’88, 1988: This scenario takes place in May 1988, five days into a hypothetical NATO-Warsaw Pact conflict in Europe. Had the Cold War escalated into a shooting war, control of the North Atlantic would have been essential for both sides. For NATO the objective would’ve been to keep the sealanes open and protect the convoys bound for Europe from Soviet submarines and bombers. The Soviets’ primary goal was to close the Atlantic and deny NATO resupply from the sea. Convoy ’88 puts the player in the role of Convoy 88-7’s commander for 24 hours. This is primarily an ASW scenario, however a respectable air threat is also included.

■The 4th of July, 1989: It is the summer of 1989, and the revolutionary wave of dissent that has been sweeping through the Soviet Union and other Warsaw Pact Countries has been brutally put down. Soviet military forces on the Central Front have been reinforced, and NATO intelligence is seeing some disturbing movement of Soviet front-line tanks and troops in East Germany. Recent NATO troop withdrawals in Europe have once more made tactical nuclear weapons necessary to stop a possible Soviet breakthrough. The Soviets would also be expected to employ tactical nukes. It is now July 4th, 1989, and the Soviet Union has decided to lay claim to all of Germany.

■Korean Campaign, 2018: It is the spring of 2018, and it appears that Kim Jong-un is finally going to make good on his constant threats to launch an attack into South Korea. After upgrading some of his military equipment from China and Russia, Kim has massed over 600 tanks, long range artillery batteries, and infantry units along the border. The U.S. and South Koreans are prepared to launch OPERATION BROAD SWORD, a pre-emptive combined-arms attack on the North Korean Ground Forces. A reinforced convoy is en-route to the port of Busan with critical fighting forces and supplies. The Chinese also have substantial forces in the area, but are not considered hostile as of yet. Can the U.S. and S.Koreans stop the massed North Korean armor before it reaches Seoul, and get the convoy safely to Busan?

■White Piano, 1966: Italy and Yugoslavia are mobilizing against each other. Italian intelligence suggests that Yugoslav forces are about to attack Trieste, the important and long-contested port city. A surface group centered on the aviation cruiser Andrea Doria is dispatched to protect the city.

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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por joselillo »

Gracias Pijus!
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por Lannister »

Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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Registrado: 05 Mar 2011, 08:25
STEAM: Jugador
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Actualización del Community Pack, lleva 13 nuevos escenarios, aparte de migrar todos los anteriores a la última versión de la base de datos.

■Big Fish In The Baltic, 1971: In recent days tensions have soared between Sweden and the Soviet Union and its allies due to an incident where a naval skirmish took place in international waters resulting in the sinking of several ships on both sides. Swedish intelligence now suggests that the East German navy is trying to launch a surprise naval attack on Gotland. The Swedish navy has been effectively blockaded by swarms of missile boats in the Southern Baltic, so the air force alone has to blunt the incoming onslaught.

■The Bear And The Dragon, 2023: Relations have broken down between China and Russia, and now a Chinese amphibious task force moves to capture Vladivostok. But they will have to run a gauntlet of Russian submarines and bombers to do so.

■Northern Fury #11.1 – Vagar Vengeance, 1994: Strike Fleet Atlantic is now conducting its first major counter-attack. The 1st phase was the softening up of Soviet defences on Iceland which has taken place over the past several days. Now as a preliminary move to the retaking of Iceland, the Faroe Island chain must be secured with a primary focus of the Vagar island airport. You are the Commander of TG Invincible and supported by the French carrier Clemenceau, surface, subsurface and amphibious forces as well as land based air elements. Your task is to unhinge the Soviet defences, protect reinforcing airborne operations and clear the defenders out of the Faroe Islands, all while protecting civilian infrastructure and preserving your force. The Soviets however, have other ideas.

■Breaking Bad, 2015: In a shocking turn of events, the CIA has confirmed that Iran has turned its allegiance towards AQAP and supplying the terrorist group with money, arms and training. The Yemeni Civil War could turn for the worst as Iran attempts to fight a proxy war against the US and gain control of the Bab al-Mandab Strait and the Red Sea. The US president, going against the wishes of his civilian advisers, puts his trust into his military advisers and begins to put boots on the ground in Yemen.

■The Akusekijima Conflict, 2019: A variety of factors (crop failures caused by global warming, collapse of fish populations due to overfishing, etc.) have resulted in Chinese fishing boats violating Japanese fisheries on an increasing basis. Japan has protested this behavior but Chinese officials have ignored it. In addition, Japan’s increasingly aggressive rhetoric about the issue has created tensions between the two countries. China has become less and less willing to tolerate even lawful actions by the Japanese when it involves their citizens.

■The Seventh Battle, 1992: In this unofficial sequel to Barret Tillman’s famous “Sixth Battle”, a shaky cease fire has been established off the coast of South Africa due to the presence of other countries joining the fight against the Soviet alliance, such as British subs and the French Indian Ocean Squadron, as well as the arrival of the USS Eisenhower CVBG. But the cease fire is now collapsing, and the seventh battle between carrier groups is about to commence.

■Ruby Slipper, 2016: North Korea is plunged into civil war, with the Kim regime (covertly supported by China) fighting for its survival against the so-called “Democratic Workers Party” (dissident elements supported by Russia). Russian intelligence suggest that the Kim regime, desperate to hold on to power, is preparing to use its cache of nuclear weapons against both rebel and Russian forces – and the PRC intends to help. Russia mobilizes to prevent this outcome.

■Peeling The Onion, 1957: You are Commander, 308th Bombardment Wing, Strategic Air Command equipped with B-47E medium bombers and normally based at Hunter Air Force Base (AFB), outside Savannah, GA. You are also the current OP REFLEX Commander on temporary duty at Sidi Slimane AFB in French Morocco and in the event of war will be responsible to conduct nuclear strikes against the Soviet Union out of the SAC forward bases. Hostilities with the Soviet Union have not commenced but if they do, your mission will be to attack Soviet industrial targets starting in southern Russia on the Black Sea coast. War could be just hours away…

■Standoff-21, 2019: With Argentina once again attempting to take the Falklands, the UK resorts to a standoff bombardment in a repeat of the legendary “Black Buck” raids of 1982. The never-was Nimrod MRA4 makes its combat debut in this scenario.

■Red Iceland, 1980: After the financial crash of 1979 the people of Iceland protested the presence of NATO forces on their home island as a base, effectively turning it into a nuclear target for the USSR. After violent demonstrations and the Icelandic government resigning, NATO agreed to leave the island on the condition that the island remain a de-militarized zone. The Soviets saw an opportunity in this, and with the help of infiltrators and what was presumed to be Spetsnaz units power was taken via a coup d’état by the Communist Party of Iceland. The Soviets maintain that they have only deployed a token force to the island in May, 1980 to “maintain the integrity of the Icelandic government” but this was clearly in violation to the agreement priory reached. More Soviet convoys are headed to Iceland, some of them even loaded with medium range nuclear ballistic missiles; these must be stopped at any cost.

■Northern Fury #10.5 – Sweep Up, 1994: The US 2nd Fleet is now entering the final phase of its first major counter-attack. A ceaseless combination of bomber and carrier borne attacks over the past 60 hours has reduced the defences on Iceland significantly! Now all that is left is the task of sweeping up the last few targets and preparing the ground for the amphibious assault by the Marines tomorrow. If you have learned anything this past week however; nothing is simple.

■Caribbean Fury #1 – Hot Tamales, 1994: You are commanding the USS John F. Kennedy CVBG on routine patrol in the Caribbean. Although homeport is Norfolk Virginia, the Battle Group has been operating out of New Orleans Louisiana for most of the past year due to the increased tensions in Central America. The air wing (CVW-7) has just completed 4 days of intense training with the Army up at Fort Hood, and you now heading to Roosevelt Roads Puerto Ricco for some ASW and ASuW work.

■Merry Christmas, 1998:
This scenario is a fictional engagement between the Australian Commonwealth, US, Malaysian Forces and a fast moving Indonesian coup. The coup has arrayed two prongs you will to blunt, one, an outgoing invasion fleet and two, a bustling Naval Base supporting the invasion of a neighbor island. They are not mutually exclusive problems, both need to be destroyed. In addition, various other disconnected issues will need to be dealt with, from minesweeping to area defense.

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Otros nicks: Meroka37
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por joselillo »

Gracias :Ok:
Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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STEAM: Jugador
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Nuevo pack del Community con 14 nuevos escenarios y actualización a la última DB de los anteriores

◾Air Incident Over Mageroya, 2016: Tensions have increased between Norway and Russia. Russia has repeatedly violated Norwegian airspace, testing both that nation’s defenses and its resolve. Norway has cautioned, and finally warned Russia that it will not tolerate this activity. Two days ago, after a Russian fighter flew within 50 yards of a Norwegian passenger aircraft, Norway announced that any armed Russian aircraft entering its airspace without permission would be shot down.

◾BALTAP-Representative Schnellbootlage, 1970: In 1967 the Federal German Navy played a wargame to evaluate the cost-value ratio of the planned modernization of the "Zobel Class" (Type 142) FPBs to "Type 142A" (upgrade with M-20 fire-control radar and DM2A1 wire-guided torpedoes). This study also showed how the operational situation of FPBs in the Baltic was assessed by the experts of the Navy.

◾Caspian Darts, 2018: The Caspian Sea holds large energy resources both tapped and under development. Territorial claims and ambiguities fester amongst the nations bordering the inland sea. Russia’s modernized Caspian flotilla just announced another “Flash Exercise” that began roughly 3 hours ago. NATO is on alert. The USN has a small group of observers on the Caspian shore in Azerbaijan. Russia-backed rebels are shelling the disputed Nagorno-Karabakh region. Begin patrolling, remain flexible and await developments as they unfold via in-game messages.

◾Debt of Honor, 1996: Japan has “accidentally” damaged the USS Enterprise and USS John C. Stennis with torpedoes during an exercise, as well as sinking 2 American submarines. Concurrently, a computer virus sends the US stock market into a downward spiral, as Japanese forces simultaneously occupy Guam and Saipan. Japan follows up with formally announcing that they have fielded a small fleet of ICBMs. The US has struggled with a response to these acts, but through small complex operations, manages to destroy the entirety of Japan’s E-767 fleet, as well as successfully destroying the ICBMs without loss. Now, the time has come to liberate the islands of Guam and Saipan. You are in control of the repaired John C. Stennis, operating on 2 screws instead of 4. Your task is to clear the skies of Japanese fighters and close the airports they are operating from with tomahawk missiles. Can you successfully liberate the American Islands once again from Japanese occupation?

◾Goodnight Irene, 2016: The influence of the United States in the Persian Gulf region rapidly diminishes in light of ongoing political, financial, military and world events. The final act of withdrawal, which was intended to foster peace and goodwill, turns into a much more difficult exercise as coincidental world events take center stage.

◾Limited War – The Siret River, 2020: Tensions between Romania and Ukraine have increased over the last several months. Disputes over the use of the Siret River have led to a series of increasingly violent border incidents. A new government has taken power in Ukraine and in the last year it has strengthened ties with Russia. Accusations of corruption, that the current leaders of Ukraine have received extensive financial and even military support from Russia, are rampant but as yet little concrete evidence exists.

◾Patton Seamount Emergency, 2020: Tensions between America and Russia have increased during the last few years. In part, this is because the collapse of fish populations around the world have led to increased poaching by fishermen in the Exclusive Economic Zones (EEZs) of various nations. In the last few months, the waters south of Alaska have seen a number of unfriendly encounters between American and Russian fishing boats. The United States has closed some of its fisheries to foreign vessels and has moved a destroyer into the region to keep an eye on things.

◾Save the Day, 2017: The Islamic terrorist group ISIS has splintered under military and economic pressure into several factions. While newer members are hiding in what remains of northern Syria, a militant group calling themselves "Allah’s Fire" has caused world concern since the beginning of the summer. Intel reports and never ending "chatter" have indicated no particular concern this morning until stuff hit the fan a 0630. Reports hint at a major operation centered on the area around the Suez Canal and Israel.

◾Stalin’s Bulls, 1951: Stalin orders the deployment of Tu-4 Bull bombers (reverse-engineered copies of B-29s) in Korea in 1951.

◾Threat Vector, 2012:
Internal political and economic strife has pushed China to the edge of disaster. To distract from its internal troubles, China once again turns to harassing Taiwan and the Americans. A sharp air-to-air engagement between PRC and ROC/USMC fighters results in the loss of 11 ROC aircraft and 5 PRC aircraft, with Marine pilots scoring 3 kills. China retaliates by threatening to attack the American carrier groups, and successfully drive the Americans to the outer edge of a 300nm "Economic Exclusion Zone". However, the US covertly sends 2 squadrons worth of experienced USMC pilots to Taiwan to man old F/A-18C Hornets and resume the fight for Taiwan. The Americans and Taiwanese have a daunting task: Protect Taiwanese airspace without revealing the identity of the F/A-18C pilots – and starting a war!

◾Under African Skies, 2017: Following a state-sponsored terrorist attack against the US, France and the UK, the western powers attack the China-backed Nigerian armed forces. (NOTE: This summary doesn’t really do justice to the epic story; just read the whole damn thing already: )

◾Surface Group vs. Subs – Marakei, 2020: China’s relationship with Kiribati–always strained because Kiribati recognizes Taiwan rather than China–has virtually disintegrated during the last several months. Taiwan is increasingly concerned that China may commit an act of aggression against its small Pacific ally. It has taken the unusual step of reactivating a retired S-2 Tracker and moving it to Kiribati. Its stated purpose is to assist with search and rescue operations, but it is capable of conducting military missions as well. Taiwan has also taken the very unusual step of sending a small task force to Kiribati, ostensibly as a "good will tour," but in actuality to discourage any adventurism on the part of Beijing.

◾Baltic On Fire, 1988:
On 12 February 1988 the USS Yorktown (CG-48) was bumped by the Soviet Krivak I class Frigate Bezzavetnyy in the Black Sea. As a result of the collision two Harpoon canisters were torn lose from their mounts onYorktown, causing a fire that detonated both warheads. The resulting fire severe damaged the American ship but the explosion also set the Bezzavetnyy ablaze. The Soviets were finally able to get the conflagration under control but only after a heavy loss of life. The succeeding months led to ever increasingly recriminations by both sides placing blame for the incident on each other. As diplomatic efforts became increasingly futile both sides began mobilizing their forces for war.

◾BALTAP – Mining Fehmarn Belt, 1983: Tensions are rising between NATO and Warsaw Pact. There are indications that United Baltic Fleets consisting of Soviet, Polish and East-Germany (GDR) naval forces could plan an amphibious assault on Danish and West-German (FRG) beaches to get control over Danish Straits and Baltic Approaches (BALTAP). NATO plans for mining the Fehmarn Belt area (and some Danish sounds) as preparation for an upcoming hostilities. You are commanding a Task Force consisting of German (FRG) forces with Danish support for mining Fehmarn Belt and Fehmarn Sund. Leave open a narrow shipping lane in the south of Fehmarn Belt for further transit of own naval forces.

Como siempre se puede descargar aquí.
Otros nicks: Meroka37
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por Galahad78 »

Última edición por Galahad78 el 17 Oct 2023, 14:02, editado 1 vez en total.
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por waldemarne »

Gracias por mantener este hilo actualizado Maestro. Sirve de gran ayuda para ver qué voy a picotear :nervios:
You and I are alike. We’re both slowly being eaten away by the karma of others. We’ll never have the chance to die peacefully of old age. We have no tomorrow. - The Boss - Metal Gear
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Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por PijusMagnificus »

Nuevo Community Pack listo, con nuevos escenarios y todo el pack migrado a las últimas versiones públicas de DB.

Aden, North Yemen Civil War – The Egyptian Vietnam, 1965: The North Yemen Civil War was fought in North Yemen from 1962 to 1970 between royalist partisans and supporters of the Yemen Arab Republic. Egypt’s involvement in the conflict was so disastrous that it was described as "Egypt’s Vietnam". This scenario explores a more active UK involvement and the possibility that Egypt had mined the access ways to the Red Sea.

Brazil Abroad, 2015: The always-tumultuous regime of Guinea-Bissau has reached new degrees of turmoil, with a brief but bloody civil war. The previous regime had the ear of the Brazilian government, and it has launched an intervention to restore it. A large naval task force is currently preparing for an amphibious landing, while your command has received permission to stage from Cape Verde.

Container Wars, 2019: Tension and changing strategic partnerships have complicated the security situation in the South China Sea over the past few years. Philippines President Rodrigo Duterte is unstable in the view of the United States. His on-going drug war produced an increasingly authoritative government aligned with China. Nations have begun to arm merchant shipping to ensure safe passage of the South China Sea. A Philippines container ship has broken down and is dead in the water near Johnson South Reef 160 nm south of Rancudo Airfield. A call for help is broadcast over open channels. What comes next?

Disproportionate Response, 2017: Kaliningrad is a thorn in the side of NATO and any defense of the Baltic. Russia created an anti-access/area denial ‘bubble’ (A2/AD) with Kaliningrad at the center. Recently they installed S-400 SAMs to increase the range and effectiveness of the position. Commercial flights into and out of Warsaw have been tracked from Kaliningrad for the past three weeks setting up a nervous situation for everyone. Yesterday, amid a NATO cyberwarfare drill, a Russian junior officer sent a salvo into a LOT flight with 39 Americans on board. Tonight, you are to lead the attack to destroy the Kaliningrad position so Polish troops can attack the Russian oblast in the morning.

Fish in a Barrel, 2016: Terrorists supported by an unknown foreign power have taken over the city of Limon on the eastern coast of Costa Rica. All efforts to re-take the city by the Costa Rican Civil Guard has been futile, and as a result the Spanish government has ordered a Spanish Naval task force present in the area to give a hand to its former colony.

Gulf of Mannar Confrontation, 1962: The coup that took place in Sri Lanka in 1962 was successful. The result of this coup was to put a more pro-Western government. However, supporters of the former Sri Lankan government have launched a rebellion, which has been receiving covert aid from both India and the Soviet Union. The United Kingdom has moved forces into the area to make a show of force in support of the new pro-Western government. They will also assist Sri Lanka in operations against rebel forces. The weather at the moment makes all operations difficult. In addition, it is not clear if the Soviet Union will try to intervene.

Human Limitation, 1978: The militaries of Libya and Rhodesia in the Cold War were a study in contrasts. One was one of the most capable forces on a tactical level that was burdened by a constant lack of equipment, while the other was a force of low quality that enjoyed huge amounts of equipment. Thus, a meeting of the two in battle provides an excellent case for the degree to which training and skill can make up for inferior equipment. Libya’s African meddling has moved all the way south to Zambia and Rhodesia, and they are set to launch a large attack across the Zambezi.

Northern Fury #11.6 – Out on a Limb, 1994:
Strike Fleet Atlantic (STRIKFLTLANT) has successfully landed forces on Iceland, Air and Maritime superiority around Iceland is in hand. 2 MEF is now in the process of defeating Soviet forces on Iceland, 8th Marines have invested Keflavik/Reykjavik while 6th Marines is clearing the remainder of the island. Meanwhile in Norway the Soviets seem to have stopped their assault. With the main Soviet force on the North side of the Trondheimsfjorden, and the Norwegians defending south of that major water feature, the situation is secure enough that the British Commando Bde has been withdrawn in preparation for future operation. The Air Forces in Norway are sparing daily as more and more force is added on both sides. Access to the bases in North Norway however have given the Soviets a major advantage for positioning long range air elements and basing of submarines. As Commander of the USS Eisenhower CVBG, you have been directed to position yourself between Norway and Iceland to ensure there is no Soviet interference with the ongoing operations to seize the Island and establish a firm base for upcoming operations.

Northern Fury #11.7 – Bump in the Night, 1994: Strike Fleet Atlantic (STRIKFLTLANT), after successfully landing the bulk of 2 MEF (Marine Expeditionary Force) on Iceland, is reeling from the loss of the Eisenhower. The Enterprise CVBG has been rushed out of dry-dock, it was being repaired after sustaining damage in earlier action, and the Nimitz, already heading into the Atlantic will be joined by the HMS Ark Royal. Meanwhile in Norway the Soviets seem to have put their assault on hold. With the main Soviet force on the North side of the Trondheimsfjorden, and the Norwegians defending south of that major water feature, the situation is secure enough that the British Commando Bde has been withdrawn in preparation for future operation. The Air Forces in Norway are sparing daily as more and more force is added on both sides. Supplying elements trapped North of the main line is becoming a problem, however, keeping them there is a thorn in the side of the Soviets.

Northern Fury #12.1 – Something’s Fishy, 1994: The fight in Norway has stabilized over the past few days with the main Soviet force on the North side of the Trondheimsfjorden, and the Norwegians defending south of that major water feature. The British Commando Bde has been withdrawn in preparation for future operation. The Air Forces in Norway are sparing daily as more and more force is added on both sides. An attempt to supply elements trapped North of Trondheimsfjorden flared into a major engagement last night, the NATO attempt was thwarted by intense Soviet patrolling with heavy losses on both sides. A major air engagement ensued during the daylight hours of 9 March and it is widley suspected in NATO that there may be a move – either an attack or a withdrawal from positions north of Trondheim tonight. The Soviets have no intention of withdrawing.

Northern Fury #12.2 – Lance To The Chest, 1994: Strike Fleet Atlantic (STRIKFLTLANT) is now in the second phase of its counter attack in the Atlantic. Fighting on Iceland continues but 2 MEF believes that they will have the island clear within the week. A massive NATO attack two days ago halted Soviet plans to seize Oslo but with Berlin and Copenhagen in Russian hands, the situation is not yet assured. While a surprise renewal of the Soviet offensive south of Trondheim has begun, Bergen is fast finding itself on the front lines. As the NATO commander, your job is to patrol the waters off of Bergen Norway and escort Merchant ships into and out of the port. As the Soviet player, your task is to interdict supply ships as they enter the waters off Bergen.

Northern Fury #13.1 – Shoulder To Shoulder, 1994: Strike Fleet Atlantic (STRIKFLTLANT) has now completed the first phase of the counter attack in the Atlantic. Fighting on Iceland continues but 2 MEF believes that they will have the island clear within the week. However, a new Soviet offensive in Norway has unhinged NATO plans for a pause between operations. In the past 72 hours’ Soviet forces in Division strength have breached the Trollheimen mountains, the last significant barrier on the approach to Oslo. With Berlin and Copenhagen in Russian hands, and the Norwegian army in tatters the North Atlantic Council (NAC) does not want a third capital city to fall. You, as Commander STRIKFLTLANT have been directed to use all of your available combat power to stop their offensive and to set up the conditions for upcoming amphibious operations in central Norway.

Northern Fury #13.2 – Charge of the Light Brigade, 1994
: Strike Fleet Atlantic (STRIKFLTLANT) is now in the second phase of its counter attack in the Atlantic. Fighting on Iceland continues but 2 MEF believes that they will have the island clear within the week. A massive NATO attack two days ago halted Soviet plans to seize Oslobut with Berlin and Copenhagen in Russian hands, the situation is not yet assured. Commander STRIKFLTLANT has set in motion a series of attacks designed set up the conditions for upcoming amphibious operations in central Norway – Operation Thor’s Lightning. This is one of those actions.

Oil In Somalia (Italy vs India), 1990: Italian Somaliland was an Italian colony and in later years the Trust Territory of Somalia until 1960 when Somalia was granted independence. During this period Italians made up a significant proportion of the population. In an attempt to stabilize government the Barre regime has granted oil exploration rights to ENI oil and allowed basing of troops and aircraft in northern Somalia. However, the civil war has escalated and the nation is in a state of chaos, the civil government close to complete collapse. Meanwhile India is establishing a foothold attempting a land grab and expansion of an Indian-controlled Indian Ocean. The marines of the San Marco regiment have been loaded onto the LPDs San Giorgio and San Marco and are tasked to land at Eyl and re-establish control of the airfield and expel the Indian troops.

Operation Tilest, 2017: Mauritius. The assassination of the Mauritian Prime Minister on 4 OCT has yet to have responsibility claimed but the DGSE asserts that the Deputy Prime Minister, who has proclaimed a state of emergency, is in part culpable. Furthermore the Peoples Republic of China has, at the Deputy Prime Minister’s request, dispatched a Stabilization Force to provide internal security during the emergency. A naval task force centered on the PLAN Type 071 amphibious landing ship CHANGBAI SHAN arrived on scene and has taken station off the southern coast near Sir Seewoosagur Ramgoolam International Airport. Chinese marines have been reported at the airport as well as the port facilites and state house in Port Louis. A follow-up relief naval force with further logistical support is less than a day from making Port Louis, though the makeup of this force is as yet unknown. The French Ministry of Foreign Affairs is certain that this action is a smoke screen for the formation of a PRC-friendly client state in Mauritius. France is therefore acting to secure the region from external aggression and provide interim stability. Be aware that the PRC is aware of this position and may take preemptive action.

Strike Commander – Mauritania #1, 2011: A tribute series to Origin’s classic Strike Commander. The past twenty years has seen unprecedented world-wide upheaval with the uncivil fracturing of the Soviet Union, failed interventions in the Mid-East and continental environmental disasters. Across the globe old political orders fall, energy resources dwindle and economies collapse. Mercenaries become a commonplace tool as governments and powerful corporations vie among each other to protect or assert their interests. Struggling with an externally-funded rebellion, the leadership of the North African nation of Mauritania has turned to employing private military forces to stem their losses. The Turkey-based Wildcats, a mercenary fighter squadron composed of F-16 fighters, has been retained and is beginning operations from a remote Strike Base in the Western Sahara.

Strike Commander – Mauritania #2, 2011: Recent operations have struck a blow against the rebels and bolstered the loyalist cause. Intelligence has located a rebel command post and forward airstrip. The Wildcats get the call to take it out.

Strike Commander – Mauritania #3, 2011: Things in Mauritania have heated up. A right-wing military element has staged a coup, toppling the rightful government, and aligned itself with the rebels. With enemies on all sides and no one left to pay the bills, the Wildcats are forced to face cutting their losses and running.

Strike Commander – Turkey #101, 2011: The Wildcats managed to exit the turmoil of Mauritania just in time, and with a tidy sum as well, garnered from their government warehouse raid. Their business manager Virgil had counted on a greater return, as usual, but grudgingly agreed in principle to the upgrade of several of the squadron’s Vipers if the money could be found quickly. Luckily the mercenary market in Istanbul was hot as ever, and a contract was secured from Global Oil to prevent a group of Transworld PetroChem board members from attending a stockholders meeting in central Turkey. The pay was good for what appeared to be a simple job.

Strike Commander – Andes Mallorca #101, 2011: The Wildcats have taken a contract supporting Generalissimo Jorge Mendez in Andes Mallorca. His country came to the aid of Ecuador after it was invaded by Peru. Mendez is seen as a uniting force in war-torn South America. And he pays in gold bullion. With their strike base established near Cali, the Wildcats are tasked with assisting the Andes Mallorcan Air Force in striking a Peruvian armored attack at the front.

Strike Commander – Andes Mallorca #102, 2011: After several days of sustained operations in the Andes theater the Wildcats take advantage of a bad weather front to get some much needed rest and repair. The enemy has other ideas, however.

Strike Commander – Andes Mallorca #103, 2011: A valued leader of the Wildcats is killed by the Peruvian Air Force while returning to the Strike Base with the balance of General Mendez’s payment. The gold is gone and the general regrets he cannot renumerate the loss, but he does have an idea that will give the Wildcats vengeance for their comrade’s loss. Reminiscent of the Israeli strike against Saddam Hussein’s Osirak nuclear reactor in 1981, General Mendez suggests that a similar attack against the Peruvian nuclear facility at Chimbote would be a dagger in the heart of their ambitions for regional power. It would also demonstrate that the Wildcats are not a group to be trifled with, either.

Strike Commander – Egypt #101, 2011: The Wildcats return to Turkey to find their home base sabotaged by an unknown party. Several of their F-16s have been damaged and there are many expensive facility repairs required. Needing money fast they manage to find a contract with the Egyptian Air Force flying an airshow from the the Cairo West Airbase using, to Virgil’s delight, EAF F-16s. The money is slight but it will keep them going while repairs are underway.

Senkaku Stir Fry, 2020: Japan’s energy situation deteriorated over past decade and is currently exploring reserves in the area of the disputed Senkaku Islands. China and Japan recently hammered out an agreement regarding area fishing rights, but the natural gas situation has not been settled. Over the past several weeks, China’s UAV patrols against the exploration rigs have made the region very nervous. The US Navy sent carrier Ronald Reagan to South Korea in a show of support for Japan. The status quo would serve Japan’s interest. After a decade of economic woes, China is in no position to exploit the reserves. But why should they sit by and let a major competitor steal what is rightfully theirs?

Spanish Guinea II (Nigerian Alliance vs Spain), 1996: Oil exploration and production has boomed in the Gulf of Guinea. The once Spanish colony of Equatorial Guinea’s corrupt government has asked for Spanish assistance with protection of the countries offshore oil and gas platforms. The Nigerians have used to last 16 months to form a strong alliance with Argentina, Brazil and Uruguay. Using their control over these countries oil imports from Nigeria to ‘assist and ensure’ cooperation. Left with little choice the South Americans have given strong military assistance to Nigeria and the Brazilian carrier has transported significant air power to Nigerian bases. Nigeria is now sabre rattling and has promised retaliation making threats to the platforms in the Alba gas field and to the Eg Bioko LNG terminal construction site, the pride of Spanish Guinea’s petroleum production in the region.

Strike Group Stennis vs Tanzania, 2020: This scenario assumes that Tanzania suffered a coup in early 2018 and is now controlled by a fiercely anti-Western dictatorship. In the last few months, this new government has received an extensive military aid package from China and there are increasing concerns about threats to the stability of the region. Two weeks ago, an American F/A-18 engaged in exercises with Kenya was shot down by a Tanzanian surface-to-air missile. Tanzania has refused to apologize for the incident and claims the aircraft was an American spy plane illegally operating in their airspace. (NOTE: The challenge of this scenario is whether the player can successfully fulfill the mission objectives "on time and under budget"–the player only wins by completing the mission using only a certain amount of munitions and suffering only minimal losses.)

The Banja Luka Incident, 1994: On February 28th 1994, six Serbian J-21 Jastreb single-seat light attack jets were engaged, and four of them shot down, by USAF F-16 fighters southwest of Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina. It was the first active combat in NATO’s history. This is a recreation of the engagement.

The Fiery October – Reprisal, 1962: In the wake of the U-2 shootdown on Saturday, October 27, 1962, the Cuban Missile Crisis took a dangerous turn. A plan was in place to launch reprisal strikes against any SAM site in Cuba that attacks a US reconnaissance aircraft. President Kennedy and his advisers debated whether or not to approve the strikes and in the end decided against it. As the US player you will be transmitted orders for reconnaissance and support missions, as well as the reprisal strikes, and attached missions.

The Isla La Orchila Affair, 2020: This scenario assumes that, in response to increasing reluctance on the part of the United States to enter into international conflicts, a number of regional powers have become more willing to act aggressively within their own spheres of influence. Venezuela, able to pay for munitions with oil, has increasingly seen itself as a master of the Caribbean, and has not surprisingly sometimes come into conflict with Colombia, Mexico, and the European Union, whose nations still control some territories in the region.
Otros nicks: Meroka37
Conscript - Gefreiter
Conscript - Gefreiter
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Registrado: 01 Mar 2017, 17:47
STEAM: Jugador

Re: Escenarios para CMANO

Mensaje por zabalonchi »

:aplauso: :aplauso: :aplauso:
