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Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 16 Nov 2011, 23:16
por Boores
Por curiosidad. Cuántos jugadores estamos en disposición de jugar? Porque a veces apetece jugar y uno no sabe ni a otro le apetecerá. Creo que así nos puede ser más fácil jugar y aprender unos de otros. Hay jugadores nuevos, y seguro que algún veterano quiere revivir las cargas de caballería, o los espadazos de los legionarios :palomitas:

1. Matushiroshi
2. Wuwei
3. Boores
4. Constan
5. Unbbmas
6. Airbagarai
7. PijusMagnificus

PD: Tenemos a Constan estudiando posibilidades :shock:

Re: Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 19 Nov 2011, 09:00
por Constan

Re: Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 19 Nov 2011, 10:27
por unbbmas
Yo lo tengo un poco abandonado pero este es un juegazo , estoy dispuesto a jugar

Re: Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 22 Nov 2011, 12:50
por wuwei
Y yo; pass: lanza :W00t:

Re: Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 22 Nov 2011, 14:00
por aibargarai

El viejo general Asiertxu tambien regresa a los campos de batalla.... hay quien ha olvidado sus victorias! :P :P


Re: Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 22 Nov 2011, 18:29
por Boores
Hay nuevo patch actualizar!!!!! versión 1.7 :palomitas:

Version 1.7.0 Changes
Add: Starter Army/Quick Play battle system.
Add: Quick Battle system.
Add: Quick Battle system main menu changes.
Fix: All issues as reported the technical support beta forum up to 10th November 2011.
Add: Themed armies from Decline and Fall to Eternal Empire.
Add: Themed armies from Decline and Fall to Swords and Scimitars.
Add: Cuman(early) DAG list to Swords and Scimitars.
Add: Jewish Revolt(later) DAG list to Legions Triumphant.
Add: Over 100 pre-built battle groups available in the scenario editor.
Add: New allies from Decline & Fall to the Seljuk lists in Swords & Scimitars.
Add: 'Crusader' and 'Crusader-other' images folders to the Eternal Empire scenario editor.
Fix: Some Thracian Peltasts were listed as drilled in one of the Alexandrian Macedonian lists in Immortal Fire.
Fix: The initial cavalry options were incorrect in one of the Alexandrian Macedonian lists in Immortal Fire.
Fix: Some dismounted cavalry still being able to evade.
Fix: Some dismounted cavalry shooting as if mounted.
Fix: An issue with the battle of Laupen 1339AD not appearing in the Eternal Empire owners battle list.
Fix: UI: When listing challenges, army generator challenges with Field of Glory armies (product ID 0) did not display their army name and points limit.
Fix: Data error in Ottoman MF crossbowmen in the scenario editor causing a crash.
Fix: Text message error when shooting at unprotected cavalry who are not lancers.
Fix: Some Romans in the Thracian Client Kingdom list should have been alternative rather than additional troop options.
Fix: The artillery sounds were incorrect in the Morat 1476AD scenario.
Fix: The year of the battle was missing from the Second Battle of St.Albans scenario data.
Fix: Error in shooting documentation for War Wagons.
Fix: Many references to 'Later Serbian' were named 'Middle Serbian' in 'Eternal Empire'.
Fix: The dates for some 'Eternal Empire' lists were incorrect.
Fix: Removed an allocation error when adding a fortified camp to a Pyrrhic army in Rise of Rome.
Fix: Removed some incorrect compulsory limitations in the Medieval Burgundian list in Storm of Arrows.
Fix: Added the option for the compulsory MF in the Lydian list in Immortal Fire to also be LF.
Fix: A multi-player random battle map reference was missing.
Change: All Decline and Fall unit graphics complete e.g. correct size, shadows etc.
Change: Updated the help documentation for Swords and Scimitars themed armies.
Change: The Later Hungarian list or Later Hungarian allies no longer have compulsory foot.
Change: Increased the allowed Later Ottomoman field defences from 5 to 10.
Change: Updated the 'English' on-lien and in-game help to version 1.6.2 (the pdf manual, German and Italian manuals have not been updated.
Change: Renamed all the 'Early Persian' armies in 'Immortal Fire' with more appropriate titles.
Change: Kurdish cavalry in the Swords & Scimitars Ilkhanid list no longer have bows.
Change: Allied Armenian armoured cavalry in Legions Triumphant are now cavalry and not as light horse.
Change: Changed the armour setting of the Condotta mounted crossbow to unprotected in Storm of Arrows.
Change: Renamed the three Kyrenean Greek lists in Immortal Fire.
Change: Armoured spearmen are now an upgrade rather than available as additional troops in Latin Greek lists in Swords and Scimitars.

Re: Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 26 Nov 2011, 21:47
por PijusMagnificus
Yo tambien estoy activo en FOG, de hecho es a lo único que juego ahora.
Pwd para quien quiera una partida es "lanza".


Re: Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 25 Ene 2012, 18:36
por Boores
Dejo una serie de retos, para el que guste pass: lanza

Re: Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 29 Ene 2012, 23:13
por Boores
Más retos :mrgreen: esta vez con el Decline and Fall. Si quereis probar a mis bizantinos o visigodos de Rodrigo os espero. :army:

Re: Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 29 Ene 2012, 23:21
por Boores
Por cierto, en la Medieval-Warfare de este mes hago una reseña del Field of Glory, eso si, en hereje.

http://www.medieval-warfare.com/cms/iss ... rfare-ii-1

Re: Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 29 Ene 2012, 23:47
por tarokun
Boores escribió:Por cierto, en la Medieval-Warfare de este mes hago una reseña del Field of Glory, eso si, en hereje.

http://www.medieval-warfare.com/cms/iss ... rfare-ii-1
Escribes tambien ahi??? :D

Re: Jugadores activos al FoG

Publicado: 30 Ene 2012, 12:28
por Boores
Zí, jejej es una reseña del Field of Glory, poca cosa, aun no la he visto en papel, pero está al caer el número en mi buzón, por cortesía de los holandeses editores :palomitas: