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Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 11 Sep 2009, 10:44
por vlcz
Ahi va la lista de cambios completos que han colgado en el foro oficial...

• Code Changes
1. Interface Improvement: A button has been added to the LCU list screen to allow
global operation mode setting.
2. Interface Improvement: Buttons added in the Base list screen to allow global build
set for port, airfield, and fort independently.
3. A problem with aircraft side art being drawn on the map has been prevented by
ensuring the icon pointer can never get too large and point off into the aircraft art.
4. Cross loading of Motorized support as if it were regular support was preventing some
Task Forces from finishing loading. Fixed.
5. Improper use of data for base “0” by an undocked TF that is loading from a base has
been fixed.
6. Land units that were aboard ships were being landed without proper supply levels.
Also supply was not being transferred during unit merge or prime unit swap. Fixed.
7. The conditions for dash-in/dash-out by Bombardment, Surface Combat, Fast
Transport and Mine laying TFs include a check intended for AI forces being used for
human controlled forces as well. Fixed.
8. When a TF was in a large region of enemy air superiority it may not have properly
found a "safe" location to retreat to, setting and resetting a retreat for each hex moved.
The selection of retreat path algorithm has changed to reduce the chances of a TF
retreating too far away from its destination.
9. In the Naval Database, some AA weapons were being listed as ASW weapons. Fixed.
10. Naval Support Squads in Command HQs were not being used. Fixed.
11. The transfer of loaded ships between transport and amphibious TFs is now prevented.
12. New Feature: Threat Tolerance. The ability for players to specify differing threat
tolerance levels has been added (on the Task Force Routing screen). The new function
allows the player to specify a TF’s Tolerance for detected enemy threats that could
cause the TF to auto-retreat.
Tolerance has four levels:
a. Normal: No offsets to retreat calculation.
b. Low: Lower threat tolerance = higher chance of retreat from detected threats.
c. High: Higher threat tolerance = lower chance of retreat from detected threats.
d. Absolute: Absolute threat tolerance = TF will never retreat from detected threats.
13. TFs set to FULL speed do not actually go FULL speed. Fixed.
14. TF post-battle retreat logic has been altered. More intelligent one-hex retreat after
battle, considering destination and home port distance, and the presence of enemy TFs
in possible retreat hexes, has been added.
15. Damaged subs were attacking enemy TFs. Fixed.
16. In some cases, having an unusual set of options and random target assignments for a
sub patrol TF could result in the TF not routing and the game to crash. Fixed.
17. Mine laying TFs were not mining their home ports. Fixed.
18. The “Transfer to base” function within “Transfer Ships” did not check the nationality
of base in the hex and was allowing the transfer of ships from one side to a base of the
other side. Fixed.
19. When a ship was to be upgraded, the program was forcing the ship into Pierside
Repair if the total damage (upgrade plus pre-existing) was high enough. However the
existing repair method was not being checked, so ships in other repair modes
(Shipyard or Repair Ship) were being blindly moved into Pierside Repair. Fixed.
20. A "No additional repair possible" message was being generated when a ship assigned
to Repair Ship repairs could still be repaired by repair ship,s but the Repair ship(s)
were out of ops for the turn. Fixed.
21. Changing the repair mode of a ship, then cancelling the change would result in the
clearing of the minimum conversion delay value for that ship. Fixed.
22. Transferring ships under repair in a Shipyard to Readiness was allowing them to be
selected for Task Forces immediately, instead of after the specified delay. Fixed.
23. For Japanese Cargo -> Troop Conversions, ship details changed but the changes did
not appear when forming Task Forces, when ships are listed in the ship selection
screen for Task Force (TF) formation. Fixed.
24. Gameplay Change: If the minimum specified shipyard size for a ship upgrade is
smaller than the minimum shipyard size able to be used by that ship, then the ship can
upgrade using “pierside” repair for the upgrade, as long as the ship is at a base with a
shipyard at least as large as the size specified for the upgrade, and as long as the
upgrade does not apply flotation or engine damage. If flotation or engine damage is
applied by an upgrade, then the ship MUST be placed in a shipyard for the upgrade.
25. Fixed a range calculation error for TFs moving directly off map, to do with the
interaction of the on-map and off-map portions of range calculation. With the direct
off map movement BOTH were adding in the entry-zone to off-map portion - one as
proper movement and one as improper "return to home port".
26. The calculation for the allocation of remaining fuel operations when a port had large
amounts of fuel, and the operations limit was reached before refueling was completed,
would overflow the ship fuel value resulting in a negative endurance value. Fixed.
27. A following TF may teleport to the location of the followed TF when the followed TF
reaches its destination. Fixed.
28. The “Rearm from tender” process was using the wrong variable in checking what
ships can rearm from an AG. Also for non-DDs from an AD. Fixed.
29. Gameplay Change: Adjustments have been made to the routine steaming damage
function to make it more difficult to keep PTs at sea for long periods. It was modified
to accumulate considerable damage for PTs under extended steaming and also
increase chances for major events (breakdowns, running aground or on reef, etc).
30. Gameplay Change: The React range for PT boat TFs has been restricted so that it
may not be set higher than 1 hex.
31. Gameplay Change: To avoid high losses, PT TF's will now mostly evade/decline
combat with enemy combat TFs during daylight hours.
32. Interface Improvement: When TFs are loading units, any units that are in the wrong
mode for loading, instead of not showing up at all in the list, will show up on the
"Load Troops" list as grayed out (not selectable) and with text indicating a reason why
the unit cannot be loaded.
33. The buttons for step through the TF's in a hex were not working properly. Fixed.
34. In some cases, Sub TFs were leaving station with too little fuel to get home. Adjusted
the conditions for automatic leaving of patrol zone to refuel. Also found and fixed
several AI interactions with TFs en route to home base, and some more exposed by
the fact that the home port was out of fuel.
35. In some circumstances, US Subs were rebasing to San Francisco when Manila fell.
36. Gameplay Change: The TF selection routine for combat has been adjusted so that
surface groups more frequently are chosen by other surface groups for naval combat.
37. Gameplay Change: The role of ship experience in surface combat has been
38. Gameplay Change: The Withdraw for ships that have a withdrawal pending is now
always available whenever the ship is in an appropriate port, regardless of the time
before the withdrawal is due.
39. Ship nationality and current location has been added to the Ship Transfer detail
40. TFs can now load the last few points of supply and fuel from a base if there are no
requirements for them at the base.
41. Ships that were not supposed to be able to be transferred into a docked TF, due to
tonnage limits, were displayed as not able to be transferred, but could be transferred
anyway. Fixed.
42. It was possible that some reaction values and other data were not being cleared from
an old TF record when a new TF was formed using the same TF data slot. Fixed.
43. Gameplay Change: The damage cut-off point for Submarines returning to patrol was
too high, resulting in subs returning to patrol with fairly high amounts of damage. The
cut-off points have been reduced to the following: 10 points of system damage; no
float damage; 10 points of engine damage with no points of major engine damage; no
44. Gameplay Change: The way that surface radar is used in naval combat has been
modified as follows: Visual confirmation is now required before ships will open fire,
meaning that ships must close to visual range first. Also, in situations where range is
increasing, if it goes beyond visual range (factoring in Detection Level) fire ceases.
45. Gameplay Change: Early war surface radars now must pass an “effectiveness” check
to ensure that the radar worked correctly and that the information from the radar was
assimilated through the TF chain of command and ultimately resulted in useful
changes of orders being issued to the TF in a timely manner.
46. Gameplay Change: Local Minesweeping TFs no longer require that destination be
set to their home port to operate in that port. These TFs will now operate in their home
port if just the Home Port value is set.
47. Gameplay Change: Local Minesweeping TFs will now consume fuel and be exposed
to operational damage even if they do not find mines. This makes the operation of
these TFs consistent with ordinary Minesweeping TFs.
48. A submarine in a mine laying TF with mines already loaded in place of torpedoe
tubes, and which was then ordered to rearm, would falsely reduce the mine pool by
the number of mines already loaded. Fixed.
49. Gameplay Change: ACMs maintaining friendly minefields will now consume fuel
and suffer operations damage.
50. The routine that checks to see if a ship has loaded all of a land unit that it can did not
properly account for cross load costs. This could give the impression that a unit could
load completely, when in fact it could not due to cross load penalties. This, in turn,
prevented the switchover from loading troops to loading supplies. Fixed.
51. Adjusted Speed in the Reinforcement Ship Display to show true speed, without regard
to lack of fuel due to ships newly constructed on-map arriving without fuel on board.
52. Pilots sent to be instructors were sometimes disappearing from the game. Fixed.
53. Pilots undergoing training off-map were getting skill increases, but the increases
weren't being displayed until they returned from a mission. Skills are now updated at
the end of each turn even if the pilot has not flown a mission.
54. Gameplay Change: Experience gain for training pilots is now slower.
55. Pilots not yet in the game were being allocated to new air groups. Fixed.
56. Gameplay Change: When fragments are created by the transfer of air units to a new
base, the fragments will automatically transfer to the new base by rail if that is
57. Automatic LRCAP should now not occur for human players.
58. Gameplay Change: Off-map movement of air units without ready planes is now
59. Corrected the transfer of pilots to Training Command – some were being released
back to pool or to other groups.
60. Added checks to ensure pilots were correctly assigned to planes in the same group,
and in reverse.
61. Fixed the nationality filter on the air group list screen. It was not checking the setting
for replacements and upgrades.
62. Fixed activation of dormant air groups on a ship class upgrade – VBF units were
showing up ahead of time.
63. Fixed the error caused by clicking on a base/TF/anchor/etc symbol while setting
search arcs on the map.
64. Units with Aviation support devices can now repair aircraft at off-map bases.
65. Changed the float plane count on the “Task Force” mouse over to show total float
66. Fixed air naval attack missions that would sometimes attack bases rather than rest as a
secondary mission.
67. Fixed the faulty check on Air Operational Loss that was adding non-combat losses to
air-to-air instead of Operational Loss.
68. Fixed the aircraft replacement build intervals which were finishing a month too early.
69. Gameplay Change: Seaplanes are no longer counted against the aircraft stacking
level when in a coastal base.
70. Gameplay Change: Command level headquarter units now behave like an Air HQ
for the purpose of determining the over-stacking limits of airfields. The effect radius
of a command HQ extends out to twice the command radius, but only applies half the
affect when the distance to the base is more than the command radius.
71. Interface Improvement: The air skill changes for pilots are shown in GREEN for the
last played turn, and ORANGE for monthly changes.
72. Interface Improvement: Added a button to the air group screen to get the maximum
number replacement planes if possible. A number of groups come back without planes
so this option is important for player controlled replacements.
73. Gameplay Change: The default British arrival base has changed to Aden, and then
United Kingdom.
74. The AI now has the ability to request additional supply for bases, based on the need of
units fighting close by.
75. Gameplay Change: When calculating the bonus for land unit planning for a target,
the land unit and its HQs (corps and command) must be planning for same target to
get the full HQ bonuses.
76. For the AI - Better checking for ensuring that an advance base is friendly when
building AI TFs has been added.
77. Fixed a problem where AI land units were attacking the same turn after unloading in
an enemy hex.
78. The text "Defending Units" would sometimes not appear in combat reports and all
units on both sides end up listed together under "Attacking Units". Fixed.
79. An adjustment has been made to the attack level settings for AI land units. The AI will
now be a bit less aggressive.
80. Gameplay Change: Fixed a loophole for units in reserve mode during combat. A
check is made before combat commences to ensure the defender has at least 25% of
its total assault value in a mode other than reserve. For example, if the attacker has an
Assault Value of 100, the defender must have a total of at least 25 Assault Value not
in reserve mode, otherwise the game will automatically switch units to combat mode
until the 25% minimum is reached – starting with combat units and then non-combat
81. A problem was found that was causing early Soviet activation, even though the
Manchukuo garrison requirement was being met by the Japanese.
82. After a fort level is reduced, the fort construction percentage will now be reset to 0.
83. The ability to change screen size has been limited, as this causes graphic corruption on
the screen.
84. Fixed various instances where an underlying scroll box was still active and showed up
on top of a LCU, group, or other screen.
85. When there were 20 devices to be displayed on the LCU reinforcement screen the list
overran the display window. Fixed.
86. Fixed the ‘replacements off’ option on the Land Unit list.
87. An issue with loading LCU fragments was fixed.
88. A bug with replacements that could wipe out a unit’s TOE in some cases was fixed.
89. A problem with the land Follow command was fixed.
90. Due to variable reinforcement or updated scenario files, certain LCUs were being
destroyed that were due to arrive on map very soon. Fixed.
91. Pilot attrition during training has been reduced to 2%.
92. An issue where some Base 0(0) ports were not building has been fixed.
93. New command line switches added for the program to improve performance.
Please see the “Performance Switches” section at the start of this readme file.

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 11 Sep 2009, 14:50
por fremen
Veo que vlcz se me ha adelantado... 8)

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 11 Sep 2009, 17:34
por antonyo
¿Alguien ha tenido algun problema al instalar el parche?

Es que a mi, no me deja instalarlo, me sale un mensaje de error que dice "parametro incorrecto".

No se si alguien mas tiene ese problema, si alguien sabe como solucionarlo, por favor que me lo diga.


Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 11 Sep 2009, 17:44
por traskott
Yo lo he instalado correctamente sobre la beta del parche.

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 11 Sep 2009, 18:10
por Maulet
yo tampoco he tenido problema.

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 11 Sep 2009, 18:52
por antonyo
En el portatil acabo de instalarlo sin ningun problema, debe ser problema de la configuracion de mi ordenador.

Estare al tanto en el foro de matrix por si comentan alguna incompatibilidad.


Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 11 Sep 2009, 20:48
por picaron
antonyo escribió:En el portatil acabo de instalarlo sin ningun problema, debe ser problema de la configuracion de mi ordenador.

Estare al tanto en el foro de matrix por si comentan alguna incompatibilidad.

Hola Antonyo, nos encontramos en todos los sitios, yo lo he instalado en tres ordenadores y no he tenido ningún problema, tanto en el juego limpio como con el parche beta

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 12 Sep 2009, 12:56
por KriegDrake
No he podido comprobarlo mucho, pero los resultados en los combates navales son más variables que antes, lo que no me gusta es la gran resistencia que tienen todavía los 4E.

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 16 Sep 2009, 12:07
por Kriegmarine
Buenas a todos!!!.
Como ya he terminado mi primera parte de las vacaciones y ya estoy otra vez en casa, pues me quiero poner al dia en todo, asi que si alguien tiene el detalle de decirme que me tengo que descargar, que me falta, que parche nuevo hay..... y ese tipo de cosas, le estaria muy agradecido.

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 16 Sep 2009, 12:22
por vlcz
Pues llegas justo justo.. el parche 1 "definitivo" ya salio, (v1.00.84 Official Update), las comillas son porque HOY han sacado un hotfix al parche (v1.00.84e Hotfix) para uin par de cagadillas, de hecho si tenias partidas antguas has tenido suerte de no pillar el parche solo ya que estropeaba algo de las fechas de entrega de algunos barcos (por lo que he leido por encima nada grave

Ambos a bajar de
http://www.matrixgames.com/products/351 ... 7s.Edition

Por otro lado como veras en otro post ya hay un Tracker para el AE, una pequeña maravilla la verdad.

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 16 Sep 2009, 12:37
por KriegDrake
En matrix habían aparecido partidas con problemas, tal vez guarde relación estos fallos con lo que dijo en su momento boycon.

Como seria el orden correcto de carga del hotfix en una partida PBEM que todavía no ha empezado :? .

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 16 Sep 2009, 12:51
por vlcz
Por el foro oficial estan diciendo que para PBEM mejor seguir "el procedimiento habitual de updates"...osea igual que instalases el parche instales el hotfix...

Aunque si dices que no has empezado yo personalmente instalaria todo y empezaria a planificar de nuevo...llamame desconfiado 8)

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 16 Sep 2009, 13:44
por traskott
¡¡ bienvenido Kriegsmarine !!

Espero poder recibir tu turno cuando estés listo :Ok: . ¿ Qué tal esas vacaciones ? Espero que lo hayas pasado bien :)

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 16 Sep 2009, 14:02
por KriegDrake
vlcz escribió:Por el foro oficial estan diciendo que para PBEM mejor seguir "el procedimiento habitual de updates"...osea igual que instalases el parche instales el hotfix...

Aunque si dices que no has empezado yo personalmente instalaria todo y empezaria a planificar de nuevo...llamame desconfiado 8)
La partida no, ahora se esta en la fase de ordenes del bando aliado(esto es con el primer turno). A mi me dicen que tengo que empezar de nuevo el turno y me da algo, seguro :mrgreen: .

Se que hay un post en matrix hablando de que orden hay que seguir, pero no lo entiendo muy bien y no quiero correr riesgos.

Esto es lo que yo entiendo hasta ahora. Cuando reciba el turno lo visualizo, guardo, parcheo, doy las ordenes, envió, el bando aliado visualiza, guarda, parchea, da las ordenes, envía. ¿Este es el orden correcto? :D

Re: WITP-AE-Patches y Ad-Ons.

Publicado: 16 Sep 2009, 14:09
por Kriegmarine
Hola Traskott, esta tarde me pongo a ello. Mi vacaciones fenomenales, aunque los ultimos dias me ha llovido una barbaridad y ayer en carretera mejor ni te cuento, Ana iba cagadisima, se nos hizo el viaje de vuelta muy largo, pues en Alicante me cayo el dilivio Universal y por Granada lo mismo.
Ahora una semanita de relativa calma y a preparar el siguiente viaje (este es el que podemos llamar oficialmente " viaje de novios") por Centro Europa.
Anda explicame como tengo que instalar los parches que me ha comentado vlcz; tengo dos nuevos: el v1084dComp y el 1084eHotfix. ¿Cual instalo primero?
Y sobre el witp tracker, que es lo que tengo que hacer?.
Un saludo y........... Continuemos con el cerco a Mandalay! :P