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Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 20 Ago 2010, 18:51
por joselillo

pues yo voy a rezar contigo , haber que tal... :Ok:

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 27 Ago 2010, 08:32
por Viajero
Ultimo "hueso" lanzado a los "perros" por un Betatester de Battlefront (post 17 the hilo):

http://www.battlefront.com/community/sh ... 965&page=2
Guys. I think you should know that something is being prepared for you and that your questions about the WW2 title are not being ignored. Give them a few more days and I'm sure that all your questions will be answered.
Algo parece que va a suceder "en unos pocos dias".... claro que eso puede seguir queriendo decir meses :roll:

La gente se huele que por lo menos un foro dedicado a CMx2:N aparecera en Septiembre...

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 30 Ago 2010, 13:00
por Leta
Rebuscando información en los foros de Battlefront he encontrado esto:
El 26 de agosto Battlefront escribió:Flame throwers will be in the game. Eventually. For the initial release they will not be. The coding necessary to support them was just too much for the first release. Graphics, physics, TacAI, etc. add up very quickly for something like this.

Es decir, que habrá lanzallamas en el juego pero, como es muy dificil de programar, lo dejarán para algún parche/módulo posterior y no estarán en el primer lanzamiento.

Algo es algo :roll:

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 30 Ago 2010, 15:36
por Santiago Plaza
Leta escribió:Rebuscando información en los foros de Battlefront he encontrado esto:
El 26 de agosto Battlefront escribió:Flame throwers will be in the game. Eventually. For the initial release they will not be. The coding necessary to support them was just too much for the first release. Graphics, physics, TacAI, etc. add up very quickly for something like this.

Es decir, que habrá lanzallamas en el juego pero, como es muy dificil de programar, lo dejarán para algún parche/módulo posterior y no estarán en el primer lanzamiento.

Algo es algo :roll:
¡Que pena!, Con lo grande que era tener a tu equipo de lanzallamas emboscado, acochinado, aguantando... contando los metros, para luego hacer una gran BBQ con uno o varios pelotones. Ponerlos casi directamente en Panic, dependiendo de su experiencia y rara vez sobrevivían los del equipo lanzallamas. Cruz de hierro asegurada.
Que grandes momentos esos del CMx1 :sad:

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 30 Ago 2010, 16:26
por Viajero
Santiago Plaza escribió: ¡Que pena!, Con lo grande que era tener a tu equipo de lanzallamas emboscado, acochinado, aguantando... contando los metros, para luego morir como perros en un instante sin que te des cuenta antes de poder lanzar ni siquiera una miserable llamarada...hacer una gran BBQ con uno o varios pelotones. Ponerlos casi directamente en Panic, dependiendo de su experiencia y rara vez sobrevivían los del equipo lanzallamas. Cruz de hierro asegurada.
Que grandes momentos esos del CMx1 :sad:
Ahí, te lo he corregido solo un poquillo. :wink:

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 30 Ago 2010, 22:12
por Guderian
Leta escribió:Rebuscando información en los foros de Battlefront he encontrado esto:
El 26 de agosto Battlefront escribió:Flame throwers will be in the game. Eventually. For the initial release they will not be. The coding necessary to support them was just too much for the first release. Graphics, physics, TacAI, etc. add up very quickly for something like this.

Es decir, que habrá lanzallamas en el juego pero, como es muy dificil de programar, lo dejarán para algún parche/módulo posterior y no estarán en el primer lanzamiento.

Algo es algo :roll:
de cojones, quitando opciones en beneficio del espectáculo. Realismo puro, señores, "bah, que hemos pensao que programar el comportamiento de lanzallamas es muy complicado y tal asi que no os lo ponemos de momento, pero no pasa nada que ya si eso os lo metemos en un parche, confiad"

esto, como síntoma, no me negaréis que tiene mala pinta

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 31 Ago 2010, 11:14
por Santiago Plaza
Viajero escribió:
Santiago Plaza escribió: ¡Que pena!, Con lo grande que era tener a tu equipo de lanzallamas emboscado, acochinado, aguantando... contando los metros, para luego morir como perros en un instante sin que te des cuenta antes de poder lanzar ni siquiera una miserable llamarada...hacer una gran BBQ con uno o varios pelotones. Ponerlos casi directamente en Panic, dependiendo de su experiencia y rara vez sobrevivían los del equipo lanzallamas. Cruz de hierro asegurada.
Que grandes momentos esos del CMx1 :sad:
Ahí, te lo he corregido solo un poquillo. :wink:
Sí, esa era la otra cara de la moneda. :Ok:
A veces confiabas en esa baza y antes de que pudieran poner de pie, ya estaban tumbados. Criando malvas.

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 31 Ago 2010, 20:33
por nmoral
El 26 de agosto Battlefront escribió:Flame throwers will be in the game. Eventually. For the initial release they will not be. The coding necessary to support them was just too much for the first release. Graphics, physics, TacAI, etc. add up very quickly for something like this.

Y seguimos con la moda de no sacar productos completos, a mi me parece una vergüenza

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 01 Sep 2010, 09:43
por Rubeus
Los que estéis esperando el CM:N, id ahorrando para mejorar/actualizar el equipo que tengáis... Esto es lo que leí ayer en el foro de Battlefront a un tal Schrullenhaft (Soporte Técnico):

"...The GeForce 9500GT will probably work fine for CM:N, but something faster is almost always nicer. Future-proofing your purchase a little with a faster video card would be a good idea, if you have the funds. Be aware that at the moment there is a bug in the Nvidia drivers that causes problems with night-time/dusk scenarios and the lighting. We don't know when or if Nvidia will address this problem. CM:N MAY offer an option to turn off dynamic lighting at some point in order to avoid this problem with Nvidia's drivers.

I would recommend the fastest CPU you can reasonably afford. This will enable you to play battles that are as large as possible with less slow downs.

I would also suggest upgrading to the 6GB of RAM (3 x 2GB modules). This is just a general system recommendation. The CM series will NOT utilize this extra memory, now or in the near future. However when and if you move over to a 64-bit OS the additional memory will be a good idea. Even under a 64-bit OS however, the CM series will STILL NOT utilize more than 2GB of RAM.

The performance of CMSF should be a fairly decent indicator of performance with CM:N, with the exception that Normandy will have more trees. Most of the vehicle, soldier and building models should be an equivalent quality/number of polygons as CMSF's. Large numbers of trees will probably slow things down a bit and a faster video card can help with that".

El (interesante) hilo al completo lo podéis leer aquí: http://www.battlefront.com/community/sh ... 982&page=2

Quizás lo más interesante es lo que se dice en el último párrafo: que el CMSF es un buen indicador de si nuestro PC va a ser capaz de mover el CM:N con fluidez o no, pero que hay que tener en cuenta que en CM:N habrá más árboles... :nervios: ...


Ummh... Ahora que lo pienso... no suena muy bien la cosa, ¿no?... Es decir: ¿qué tal saldrá el producto final en cuanto a optimización...? :nervios:

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 01 Sep 2010, 09:56
por Nitromortyr
Como viene siendo habitual con cada nuevo juego que sale al mercado más viejo se queda nuestro Pc. Muchos que esperamos la salida del nuevo CM para actualizar la maquineta podremos al fin gastarnos los cuartos que siguen guardados en nuestra huchas.
De todas formas los requerimientos gráficos me imagino que dependerán del tipo de escenario y de el tamaño del campo de batalla, un mapa huge debe de chupar ram hasta por vena... :mrgreen:

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 08 Sep 2010, 22:58
por Granfali
Algo más que leer. En rojo las respuestas del señor Steve :D

Will CMSF:2 incorporate a new or heavily modified engine? By referring to it as "2", it kind of implies that it will.
Or I guess it could just mean that the "modern" Combat Mission has moved on to another theater of war.

Correct... different theater.

The CMx2 engine will be evolutionary from here on out because it's flexible enough that we won't have to ditch it to do something new. That was the whole point in chucking the CMx1 code since the opposite was the case. Adding even tiny new features to CMx1 was painful. Adding major new features to CMx2 is not.

CMx2's progression will be akin to something like computer technology. Compare this year's model of latest laptop (for instance) against last year's and there will be more common than different. But compare this year's top model laptop with the one from 4 or 5 years ago... major differences that mean a fundamentally different user experience. Still, the fundamentals will likely not be all that different in that both have the same rough size, a flip up screen, batteries, keyboard, integrated track pad, etc.

Originally Posted by Chad Harrison View Post
I believe that this is almost entire because of setting, not CMx2 in and of itself. I can tell you that having played both extensively, I can not go back to CMx1 games. I tried just the other week. I cant do it anymore. Yes there are still some things being worked out in CMx2 games, but the pros over CMx1 far, far outweigh the cons - in my opinion atleast.

I loved CMx1 in their time. Once Normandy hits, I dont think I will ever touch a CMx1 game again - no reason too.

A sentiment we've heard quite a bit over the years. As we release more WW2 titles with the CMx2 engine the relatively small number of CMx1 players will become tiny.

Originally Posted by MeatEtr View Post
But us East Front lovers sure won't let go of CMBB until we get the CMx2 family. So I consider the launch of CMN the partial death of CMx1.

I agree. Since setting is the single most important factor in determining what people want to play, Eastern Front fanatics still playing CMBB will likely continue to do so until a CMx2 Eastern Front game comes out.

Originally Posted by Chad Harrison View Post
I think that that just goes to show what Steve has been talking about: I am all about the Western Front, but the Eastern Front and Africa/Mediterrian do nothing for me. I still bought and played CM:BB and CM:AK, but it was just for giggles. I lived and breathed CM:BO though. Everyone has their taste.


Originally Posted by Erwin View Post
Don't get me wrong, I am a big fan of CMSF and frequently promote it on BoB etc.

As you may recall, I used to be a major detractor from CMSF v1 and became a convert as it has became patched into a superb game. Possibly some of the original vitriol towards CMSF by many was also caused by CM1 fans assuming was going to be CM1 on steroids (due to the similar name), rather than a rather different game experience. But, I appreciate the marketing reasons for exploiting the name.

Oh, I definitely agree that a fair percentage of players expected (wrongly) that CMx2 was going to be the same game but with prettier graphics. And that somehow 1:1 representation, higher terrain fidelity, asymmetric victory conditions, etc. were going to have no impact on game play experience. It boggles our minds how anybody could think we were spending 3 years working on a slightly warmed over rehash, but I do think many people did.

But CMx2 is absolutely CMx1 in more than just marketing. Just ask yourself... what game out there, in all genres, that is most similar to CM:SF? If CMx1 doesn't come to mind I'd be shocked! In fact, I can't think of any other game out there that is more comparable to CM:SF than CMx1, nor any other game out there that is more comparable to CMx1 than CM:SF. Sure, they aren't identical... but why on God's green earth would anybody want them to be identical? That's the logic that would have kept CMx1 in 2D with CRTs resolving combat results.

However, I think that many others play CM1 for different reasons than CMSF. You can play an almost an operational-strategic level game with CM1 due to the larger maps and the fact that it's easier to control larger numbers of units. Also, CM1 is just plain easier/more accessible (for the casual player) when you want to have a fun game, rather than a grueling simulation experience, which is what CMSF offers.

It does come down to personal preferences, of course. The majority of gamers out there don't like any of the CM games because they aren't fun or easy to play. Fortunately, we only care about our target audiences being happy with our products.

Both experiences are great fun, but I find CMSF to be much harder work re checking LOS, trying to figure out what terrain my guys are in etc., and errors are punished much more severely than in CM1.

That has a lot to do with the setting. If we made a modern version of CMx1 I'm sure the same would be said for that as well.

That is why I believe CM1 will be popular for some time to come, regardless of the success of the CM2 series.

Oh, I don't doubt that. There were still plenty of people sticking with Steel Panthers for years after CMBO came out. In fact, I'm sure you can still find people that consider Steel Panthers "more popular" than CMx1. Each to his own People just need to be very cautious about taking their own personal experiences and trying to extrapolate that to the market as a whole. A CMBB fanatic might still consider it the "most popular" of all CMx1 games, but it never got close to selling as much as CMBO and last month it accounted for just 2% of Battlefront's gross sales.

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 08 Sep 2010, 23:52
por Justin [Gen]aro MacDuro
Vale nueva info , pero de fechas desalida no dicen nada de nada .

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 14 Sep 2010, 09:01
por Viajero
Mas nueva info (nada de fechas todavía...), esta vez en el hilo del "bone" que acaba de ser cerrado por exceder los 300 posts como es costumbre en BFC... El ultimo post es de Steve y habla de por qué no sacan mas fotos o info del juego ahora que debe estar casi a punto; y de la diferencia entre una casa de juegos de PC para las masas basada en ventas en tienda (retail) y otra de juegos mas especializados y basada en descargas (BFC).

http://www.battlefront.com/community/sh ... 06&page=35

Oops... I just noticed this thread has exceeded the 300 post limit tradition. I'll close it up after I've addressed the points raised...

We are different than other game companies. Therefore, expect differences from how we operate compared to the other game companies One of the big differences is we do not need to create hype or buzz ahead of time. Other companies MUST create buzz/hype well ahead of their releases or they will have a sales disaster. That's for three primary reasons:

1. Each mainstream game is competing against a TON of games that are pretty much identical to the one they are looking to release. The end user is constantly being manipulated to favor the game with the most buzz/hype so when a particular product comes out he buys it the first week or two. Since consumers tend to favor the thing they are most familiar with, it's better to be the first generic RPG game in their minds than the last one. Especially when Christmas rolls around and the majority of retail sales are landed.

2. Retail buyers make a pretty good chunk of their purchasing decisions months in advance of a game's release based on what they perceive as the viability of the game in the marketplace. Part of this is based on how much marketing money they've seen spent, how many previews have been landed, how favorable the net is towards it, etc. If there is no buzz/hype, the retail buyers won't do much to help the game sell. In fact, they might actively hinder its sales because they instead favor some other product. Remember, to a retailer the only thing that matters is sales, not quality, not originality, and certainly not longevity.

3. A retail game has to do HUGE numbers in the first week or two for it to stay on the shelves. If it doesn't do huge numbers, it is yanked and that's pretty much the end of its full price run in the market. This means the game MUST have pent up demand for day one of release or it's pretty much doomed to the discount bin. We don't have that problem since to us since we don't toss our own products into a discount bin (with retail partners this is an issue, which is another reason we're not doing simultaneous releases any more). In fact, it's better for us to have sales spaced out because it eases support issues and makes for better cashflow.

Which means... if there is no hype/buzz then the retailers don't buy, the customers don't create demand, and the product flops because it didn't get a huge hit of sales in the first couple of weeks. We're not like that on purpose.

The bottom line here is that we actually have disincentives to putting out too much information too far ahead of release. One example of this are screenshots that aren't "damned near perfect". The nit pickers and Negative Nancys tend to hijack otherwise positive reception and turn it into a headache for us. Headaches mean distraction from finishing the game, which isn't a good thing. I know it sucks that 95% of you guys have to suffer because 5% have the imagination and understanding of a brick wall, but we don't make the rules.

So there you have it. We're not prone to throwing stuff out there like other game companies for very sound reasons which are fairly unique to us. We do understand that people would rather have a steady flow of tangible stuff to pick at while waiting for release, but we have to balance that insatiable want with actually getting the game done. After all, would you rather have screenshots or the game itself? Exactly


Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 24 Sep 2010, 15:02
por Viajero
Nuevo post de Steve, post 46 y alguno mas debajo:

http://www.battlefront.com/community/sh ... 241&page=5

En esencia, siguen apuntando a publicacion antes de final de año.

Re: CM:Normandia. La que se nos viene encima.

Publicado: 24 Sep 2010, 16:45
por xtraviz
Bien, bien... ya se acerca... :P

PD: Por cierto, que a los foreros que domináis el inglés nunca os he agradecido que nos mantegais informados de estas noticias. Gracias. :Ok: