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Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 24 Feb 2012, 12:34
por Lannister
Pues eso lo veo jodido KAL. Antes apostaría a que se puede volar el CoD con fluided (y mirá que es una apuesta arriesgada :mrgreen: ).

Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 24 Feb 2012, 21:44
por magomar
Gracias, bajando el manual...

Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 28 Feb 2012, 19:27
por Driftwood
¿Alguno más ha hecho el preorder del mapa o de alguno de los aviones? He visto que en el foro comentaban que estaban trabajando en dar más vida al suelo francés, con movimientos de tropas y blindados en el frente.

Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 21 Mar 2012, 23:54
Más de 3 meses sin actualizaciones y 4 desde que se puso la preorder del Haberstadt...

Y me temo que no es porque quieran sacar un super parche, sino porque están centrados en el nuevo mapa y sus hidroaviones.

Última vez que les compro algo en preorder... Y más ahora que han dejado la IA a medias en un proceso de mejora que por ahora solo hace joder las misiones. Y van 3 meses así...
Desilusionado me tienen.


Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 21 Mar 2012, 23:59
por Lannister
Pues espera que no cierren, que a mi tanto llorar y pedir me sigue oliendo mal.

Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 06 Abr 2012, 23:00
por Driftwood
Nuevas noticias, nuevo avión en progreso:

Airco D.H.4 Work in Progress
Dear Pilots,

As we reported earlier, after the release of the Halberstadt CL.II, the next plane released will be on your PC with minimum delay. We are pleased to present Airco D.H.4 to you. Now we are finishing up final 3D parts on this machine so we can begin the first flight tests, the results of which will reveal the “character” of this plane.

In the meantime, we would like to share with you what kind of plane the D.H.4 was. Despite the fact that it is less well-known than the Red Baron's Fokker or the English Se.5, the D.H.4 probably deserves the title of one of the best aircraft of the First World War. This plane was the forefather of a series of popular aeroplane designs and modifications. These design decisions would have been very successful by themselves, but good construction and performance made this plane attractive to many countries where it was produced under license. The UK, U.S.A, and USSR (Polikarpov R1) were armed with planes that were based on the D.H.4. It was still in use performing various tasks till the 1930s. Its track record certainly deserves our respect!

During the war, this machine showed its best qualities. The D.H.4 was often used for deep raids behind enemy lines without escort fighters. Its high speed and good maneuverability aided in its protection. We believe that with such good characteristics it will find success in the ROF world. The release is scheduled for the end of April.

In the next version, we will also fix several bugs found in version 1.024, such as strong network stutters (periodic screen freezes for a split second) caused by the destruction of trains and barges not moving on their route. Also in conjunction with testers, we continue to check other bug messages or loss of performance. For example, we know about the bug associated with the loss of sound in multiplayer, but, unfortunately we do not know yet the exact method of replication required for solving this issue. We also continue our work on the new technologies required to create the new Channel map and seaplanes (Brandenburg W12 and Felixstowe F.2A). We are also working on other new unannounced items. So stay tuned and your continued support of our development goals are much appreciated. Let’s keep fighting the good fight!

We wish you success in mastering your airplanes and continued pleasure flying ROF!


Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 10 Abr 2012, 16:30
por nantuck
Lentos pero seguros, el avion es chulo (ya me imagino a más de uno que le tendrá ganas); si resolviesen el tema de la ia, tanto esos ametralladores de cola como el empanamiento general de las escuadrillas enemigas cuando deciden pasar de uno, ya sería la leche ;-). Fe, saludos.

Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 26 Abr 2012, 21:59
por Driftwood
Nuevas noticias: nuevos parches y nuevos fields mods.

LOFT → 24. April 2012 14:36
Weapons Modification Pre-Order
Dear Pilots,

On May 7th it will be the 3rd anniversary of the initial release of Rise of Flight onto the market. From one perspective this is a long time on the market for a modern game, but on the other hand it is not a very long period for flight-simulator projects. As this milestone approaches, we remember some of the more difficult challenges of ROF development and some the funnier moments in the past three years, but today's post is dedicated to another special and interesting development - a surprise that we have prepared for you.

Last May we released the popular field modifications for ROF aircraft and from the first day after release we began to receive requests and recommendations for other modifications such as different weapon configurations for various ROF airplanes. As you know, the First World War was a period experimentation and testing of new engineering solutions for air combat. They were expressed in a variety of inventions and many were implemented based on small discoveries made at the frontline airfields. Many of these ideas had a large effect on future combat aviation. As the headline says above, we will now introduce to you some talented ideas aimed at increasing the firepower of WWI aircraft.

As is the case with the field modifications, we have followed the strict guidelines of archival documents which we have been able to discover, trying as best we can to be historically accurate within the limits of our engine. It was a large amount of study, which encompassed several months of hard work. As a result, we can now introduce you an interesting set of weapon modifications which can be mounted on up to 19 different aircraft, among which you'll see:

20mm Becker Autogun, installed on such planes like Albatros, DFW C.V and Gotha
4 additional machine guns mounted on Sopwith Dolphin (2x wing mounted, 2x angled in cockpit)
57mm Davis Gun for HP 0/400
Le Prieur rockets for various planes
…and several other weapon options which you will learn about in the ROF Store.

Thanks to the preparation work done on these weapon modifications, the reloading of upper wing guns will now be more realistic and you can finally angle them upward for sneaky attacks from below. To accompany these new abilities there will be new motion animations for machine guns on the rail etc. We know these were long requested features and we remember all such requests, but some of them were not possible to do until now. Finally, since these are weapons that can have a big affect on gameplay, weapon mods will be a server-side option in Multiplayer. They can either be all On or all Off. Sorry, we cannot pick and choose which ones to allow or disallow. All of these weapon modifications and features will be available beginning in version 1.026, which is scheduled for release in late May - early June. To help get ready for this new and interesting development, you can now pre-order Weapon Mods in the ROF store. Of course, such support helps fuel continued ROF development.

Now back to our current development tasks, namely to version 1.025. Tests of version 1.025 has begun, which you'll see very soon. We plan to release it the first week of May. This version will see the release of the Airco DH.4 along with various bug fixes and other improvements. We will include more information about 1.025 and the DH.4 in our next blog post, but for now I can only say that this plane has a top speed of 200 km / h and should prove to be an effective, useful weapon. It will deserve your attention in combat!

We wish you a healthy return from all your flights and victories in ROF as we continue working on new updates!


Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 14 May 2012, 21:49
por Driftwood
Ya han sacado el nuevo parche y ya se puede adquirir el DH4:


Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 19 May 2012, 21:45
Ejem, ejem.

Acabo de ver que los "Weapon Mods" son para prácticamente todos los aviones.

Por poner un ejemplo:
Albatros D.II Weapon Mod: 20mm Becker automatic canon (overwing mounting)

Madre del amor hermoso, ¿que coño es esto?.
¿Me estas diciendo que cuando entre online voy a tener a un tío disparandome con un 20mm desde un Albatros D.II?

Una cosa es que pongan añgunos weapon mods muy utilizados en algún momento de la contienda, algo que yo incluso fijaría según la fecha, pero otra cosa es esto.
Porque, ¿a alguno le suena haber leido algo sobre este cañón en un D.II?


Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 19 May 2012, 22:53
por Leta
Pues si, a mi también me ha resultado bastante extraño. :sad:

Lo próximo un par de turbolásers...

Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 20 May 2012, 00:06
por Lannister
Otra forma de sacar pasta. Para el siguiente mod: piloto cachas que aguanta el doble de daños.

Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 26 May 2012, 15:20
por Driftwood
¡Que vienen los cohetes!... :W00t:

LOFT → 25. May 2012 15:19
About Weapon Mods
Dear Pilots,

We have already started testing versions of weapon mods that will be the most important feature 1.026. And today we would like to show you some pictures and a short video to show that we are very serious about this part of the project.


The most difficult part of such work was to prepare information about each weapon mod for our team. Modifications were not always well documented and often made literally "in the field" with the same ease and nonchalance with which you change the hubcaps on your car. Therefore, we decided to make weapon mods which can be proven with a photo. Many of the details of the effectiveness or commonality of such weapon mods has been lost to father time, but we wanted to explore this fascinating piece of WWI combat aviation and make ROF even more interesting.

In addition to the work researching information we had to change a lot of code to accommodate weapon mods and give you features such as new reloading animations and the angling of the Foster mount. Many solutions have required a 90% re-write and some solutions we had to create from scratch. We wanted to make this stuff for a long time, but we had to wait for the right moment. Weapon modifications provided such a suitable moment. By pre-ordering weapon mods you have allowed us to bring new solutions to the existing code which is very good for the developer and therefore good for the user. Once again we see how successful our relationship with the ROF community has become, you think about us and we are always thinking about you.

[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0QYChA8T ... r_embedded[/youtube]

Presented in the video are rockets that were first used by the French and became a formidable weapon against balloons. Two types of missiles will be presented in ROF - the "armor" type which is equipped with a knife at the base to damage balloons and an "explosive" type that detonates on impact. These rockets used gunpowder as the propellant which burns unevenly, so the trajectory of their flight was not very stable and the distance was minimal. But there are a few well-known examples in history of enemy shoot downs with this type of weapon.

Clear skies and Tally-Ho!

...pero pagando....... :nono:

Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 26 May 2012, 18:09
por Josem
Bueno estos son los primeros misiles aire-aire de la historia, los llamados cohetes Le Prieur.

Se comenzaron a usar en 1916 y en 1918 aún se usaban aunque poco. Los inventaron los franceses pero también los usaron los ingleses y belgas e incluso se dice que los alemanes (otro modelo claro esta) aunque nunca he visto una foto de su uso por los alemanes.

Su objetivo era derribar globos de observación pinchándolos (por eso llevaban una especie de cuchillo en su interior) o haciéndolos estallar (algunos llevaban carga explosiva). En 1916 aùn no se habían inventado las balas incendiarias y resultaba muy dificil derribar un globo. Estos cohetes si podian derribar un globo (los famosos "draken") pero con un alcance efectivo de apenas 100 metros y enfrentandose al Flak la experiencia no debia de ser apta para cardiacos. Por otro lado algo me dice que su lanzamiento (más desde enclenques aviones como los Nieuport) debía de ser algo hazaroso por no decir peligroso. De todos modos parece que si funcionaban y de tanto en tanto derribaban algún que otro globo. También se intentó usarlos contra dirigibles (sobre todo los británicos) pero esto nunca funcionó.

Finalmente, la aparición de las balas incendiarias los hizo innecesarios y me sorprende que algunos se siguieran usando en 1918, quizás se los empleo también como arma de ataque a tierra. :blabla: :blabla: :blabla:

Re: RoF en el 2012

Publicado: 26 May 2012, 20:07
por Lannister
¿Quien dice que se usaban poco? :mrgreen:
Ya verás todo Dios con Cohetes.