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Re: Como nos aburrimos, nuevo parche

Publicado: 29 Nov 2011, 23:29
por EnriqueLister
Whizar escribió:Se sube a Megaupload o similar, se pone el enlace aquí, luego le pones un enlace a Edipo con tu numero de cuenta y el te paga la recompensa a convenir 8) 8) 8)


Re: Como nos aburrimos, nuevo parche

Publicado: 30 Nov 2011, 00:42
por Whizar
Gracias un millón, los € lo hablas con Herr Edipo. Mañana lo pongo a bajar que toy con el movil. :aplauso: :Ok:

Re: Como nos aburrimos, nuevo parche

Publicado: 04 Dic 2011, 22:53
por Lannister
New Public Beta v1.05.45 Now Avialable

• New Features and Rule Changes
1) Formula Change – Reduced the impact of damage to an air base on the chance an aircraft will crash on landing. This will reduce losses to intercepting fighters that are having their air base attacked.
2) AI Change – In the later war period, the AI will now consider merging unready units together to create a larger ready unit.

• Bug Fixes
1) Fixed a bug where incorrect rail capacity could be added back if the target city has no slots to move all selected factories.
2) Fixed a bug where the Soviet Polish army could be incorrectly activated prior to 1944.
3) Fixed a minor bug where reverse logic was being applied to the blast device parameter when bombing ground elements in an air base.
4) Fixed a bug where the number of HQ units involved in a battle could be displayed incorrectly.
5) Fixed a bug where the battle display could get corrupted when the number of units plus HQs in the battle was very high.
6) Fixed a bug where ground units when bombed could gain very high disruption which was causing a negative modifier to be used in some routines. One of the side effects of this was that multiple leaders could get killed in a single attack.
7) Fixed a bug where zero factory id slots with non-zero values were adding to the number of evacuating factories.
8) Fixed a display bug where when inputting a new aircraft cruise speed in the editor, the pop-up for input was incorrectly asking for mph instead of kmh.
9) Fixed a bug where some ground elements that were no longer called for after a TOE change were having extra elements sent to the pool (more than actually existed in the units that no longer needed them).

• Data and Scenario Changes
1) Changed the German 20mm Flak guns (Devices 121, 126, 243, & 244) AA ceiling to 6,500 feet.
2) Device 0120 AA Machine Gun removed (zeroed out); this device was a legacy device imported from another data base and never used in the game system.
3) Device 0128 128mm Flak40 AA Gun Range changed to 11,700 yards.
4) Device 0252 20mm Twin Flak38 AA Gun ROF changed to 180.

Re: Como nos aburrimos, nuevo parche

Publicado: 05 Dic 2011, 20:04
por Chokai
Siguen en marcha, veo que no paran de mejorar el juego.

Re: Como nos aburrimos, nuevo parche

Publicado: 14 Dic 2011, 22:55
por Lannister
Pues parece que el v1.05.45 deja de ser beta y pasa a ser oficial.

Re: Como nos aburrimos, nuevo parche

Publicado: 05 Ene 2012, 22:33
por horse
New Public Beta 1.05.53 of WitE now Available!

V1.05.53 – January 4, 2012

New Features and Rule Changes

1) Rule Change – Arriving air groups won’t have their planes swapped/upgraded on their turn of arrival. This allows the player time to set the air groups to Manual upgrade.
2) Rule Change – Now when a broken down unit from a Soviet Corps of any kind changes its HQ attachment, all broken down units that are a part of that Corps will also change their HQ attachment. The cost for this change in HQ will be equal to the cost of changing the Corps.
3) Rule Change – In order for an air unit to participate in a daylight airfield attack mission, it must have flown no more than 1/3 of its available miles.
4) Rule Change – All eligible leaders are now displayed and are available when performing a manual leader change.
5) Rule Change – Soviet DD, Flame and Cavalry tanks may now substitute for light tanks in units in 1941.
6) Interface change – Added a message indicating the arrival of air groups that are located on delayed air bases.
7) Interface Change – Disabled top menu buttons and shortcuts during the logistics phase. Removed the AP and vehicle pool values from the screen during the logistics phase.
8) Interface Change – The save game screen now defaults to sorting the save list by date (most recent to oldest).
9) Interface Change – Added one digit after the decimal point for CV info on the hex pop-up for friendly units.
10) Interface Change – Added sortable air group morale column to the “select air group unit from national reserve window”.
11) Formula Change - Air group morale now grows slower than it used to if the morale is greater than the experience of the group.
12) Formula Change – Added group experience into the equation that calculates the max miles the air group can travel and reduced importance of morale. It was changed from 10+ (morale/2) to 10+ (morale/4) + (experience/4).
13) Formula Change – Isolated HQ units which were not getting any supply from adjacent cities were not sending any of their existing supply dumps to subordinate units in the same pockets. Now they will distribute their supply dumps if they can trace a supply path to the units.
14) Formula Change – Made a small adjustment to the flak attack function.
15) Formula Change - Changed automatic leader assignment. Reduced randomness of the ratings factoring and added rank into the weighting factor calculation (i.e. more chances that higher rank leaders with better ratings will be assigned).
16) Rule Correction – Section – In order for a routed unit to rally, the range test to its HQ must be less than 6, not 2. All HQ’s in the unit’s change are tested, and if any passes this test, then a normal leader morale check is made to determine whether the unit rallies.
17) Rule Correction (Omission) – Section 9.1.1 – Each logistics phase there is chance that a unit can lose a morale point due to fatigue. The higher the fatigue and the lower the morale of the unit, the greater the chance that the unit must make a leader morale check to avoid a morale loss.
18) Rule Correction (Omission) – Attack CV values are divided by 8 on mud turns.
19) AI Changes – Improved AI to be more aggressive attacking victory objectives in later turns of smaller scenarios. Improved the AI command and control so that it tries to assign areas for each German Army or Soviet Front, and keep the units within those areas attached to appropriate HQs. Ongoing improvements in attack selection AI. Improved AI use of ground support especially when attacking fortified units. Improved defensive line routine (greatly reduced chance of failure in line building) and increased Soviet attack aggressiveness in mid/late war. Improved AI rail repair.
20) Optimization – Several routines were optimized to increase game speed. Improved the accuracy of the air availability shadow map. Improved the automatic selection of staging air bases.

Bug Fixes

1) Fixed a bug where Corps artillery units were being treated as Corps sized units in the Commander’s Report screen. Also, Italian CCNN Legions are now treated as Regiment sized units.
2) Fixed a bug where Soviet Corps HQ could be incorrectly split into 3 parts using the breakdown function.
3) Fixed a bug that prevented AG South in some cases from splitting to AG A and AG B.
4) Fixed another case in which Soviet Guard Corps names could be duplicated.
5) Fixed a bug where once Slovakia or Hungary surrenders, units of other nationalities that were reporting to HQs of the surrendering country were not altered to report to OKH (they are now).
6) Fixed a bug where air groups located on delayed air bases were arriving with no aircraft.
7) Fixed a bug where the AI could merge units that allowed the combined unit to be over 100% of TOE.
8) Fixed type “infantry air is reduced to” to “air rating is reduced to”.
9) Fixed the editor interface so the “Symbol From Id” text does not appear as clickable on the aircraft editor tab.
10) Fixed a bug with the selection of air recon staging bases.
11) Fixed a bug that was preventing expected limits on the amount of CAP that would intercept.
12) Fixed a bug where a player could end up in his opponent’s PBEM turn after ending his own turn. Also fixed another PBEM security issue.
13) Fixed a bug where Hiwis could prevent a ground element slot in a unit from being cleared correctly, which could prevent the ground element from receiving replacements.
14) Fixed a bug with flak fire for fighters, fighter bombers and high speed bombers (max speed>200mph).
15) Fixed a display bug on the unit detail screen (wrong column was marked as "clickable").
16) Fixed a bug that caused fighter bombers switched to fighter mission when set in the editor to bomber.
17) Fixed a bug that could cause the game to crash when accessing unit details for an AA unit attached to a city.
18) Fixed a bug that allowed Air groups transferred by automatic movement form the NR to fly missions during the same turn.

Data and Scenario Changes

1) Added several new leaders to the German and Soviet leader database.
2) In the 1.05.23 version, and in all versions thereafter, there was a change made to the Operation Typhoon scenario. The scenario was changed to start a few days later and no German units are now frozen on turn 1. There were many other changes made to the scenario. This change has not previously been documented.
3) Made a temporary fix to correct the problems with the 107mm Field Gun (807) as follows:

• In the Device data base, the 107mm M60 Gun (388) now has a range of 3000;
• In the Ground data base, the 107mm Field Gun (807) no longer upgrades to the 122mm Field Gun, now has an Accuracy of 100, and is re-defined from Heavy Infantry Gun to Heavy Anti-tank Gun;
• In the TOE(OB) data base, the 42 Heavy AT Regiment (183) is no longer buildable after November, 1942 (stopping then allows a month to fill out any regiments built in November before gun goes out of production at the end of December).

4) Fixed the upgrade path of the Hungarian 50mm AT-Gun (now does not upgrade).
5) TOE(OB) file – in 44 Hun. Hussar Division corrected 7.92mm Machine gun from 0251 (Rumanian) to 0297 (Hungarian)
6) Corrected the Rumanian Rifle Squads in OB 78, 102, & 136 from ground element 255 to 254.
7) Made the following changes in the TOE(OB) data base relating to Soviet Sappers:

• TOE(OB) 43 Assault Engineer-Sapper Brigade (446) revised to eliminate 12 Sapper Squads with flamethrowers and replace with 10 Rifle Squads, increased Support and brigade upgrades to 44 Assault Engineer-Sapper Brigade (486) in 5/44;
• Added TOE(OB) 44 Assault Engineer-Sapper Brigade (486) with addition of 24 Flamethrower Squads (240 FLAMETHROWERS!) and 9 anti-tank rifles;
• Added TOE(OB) 41 Engineer-Sapper Brigade (499) as Construction type support unit which upgrades (actually gets smaller) to 43 Engineer-Sapper Brigade (500) in 6/43.

8) Many scenario changes as follows:

General Changes
* Hungarian Construction Battalions now have their own OB and have been rebuilt
* Production pool maintenance

1941 Campaign
* Fixed the name of III/LG 1
* Starting and reinforcing ZG groups now properly equipped with non-night fighter Bf110E-2s
* NSGr.1 Now set to arrive in Oct 43
* All NSGr units are set to Gruppe strength (was squadron)
* Fixed a small number of reinforcing Axis minor airgroups were using German planes instead of the localized versions
* Staffels equipped with Bf-109E-7 Airframe replaced by the Bf109E-4B airframe
* 9th and 10th Fallschirmjager Divisions are no longer motorized

1942 Campaign
* Rebuilt Hiwis
* Fixed the name of III/LG 1
* Starting ZG Groups now properly equipped with non-nighter fighter Bf110E-2s.
* 20 x Fw190Ds in starter pool zeroed out
* Fixed a small number of Axis minor airgroups were using German planes instead of the localized versions
* All NSGr units are set to Gruppe strength (was squadron)
* Staffels equipped with Bf-109E-7 Airframe replaced by the Bf109E-4B airframe
* Panzer 38t replaced by Panzer 38t(E) in Panzer Divisions
* Increased German manpower
* Unit 2159 name has been corrected
* 3rd Rum. LR Recon Sqn now uses the Rumanian Blenheim
* Duplicate 'NN TD Artillery Battalion' removed
* All German fighter bomber airgroups equipped with the Bf109E-7 have been replaced by the Bf109E-4B
* Rebuilt Rum. Mountain Divisions to use latest OB changes

1943 Campaign
* Rebuilt Hiwis
* 15./JG 52 now equipped with Bf-109G2
* 2nd Fallschirmjager Division morale/experience corrected
* Rebuilt Rumanian Infantry and Mountain Divisions to use latest OB changes

1944 Campaign
* Rebuilt Hiwis
* Rumanian Construction Battalions now use their own OB
* 1st Hun. Hussar now uses proper MG device
* 17th Fin. Heavy Artillery Battalion now uses proper artillery device
* Soviet Assault Engineer Sapper Brigades have been divided into two separate OBs - OB 486 (Assault Engineer-Sapper Brigade) and OB 500 (Engineer-Sapper Brigade). Units that use OB 500 are now off-map support construction units. Result is no more duplicate engineer brigades.
* Removed a couple of duplicate Soviet units.
* Rebuilt Rumanian Infantry and Mountain Divisions to use latest OB changes

Operation Typhoon
* Added Northwest Front Air Command (was missing)
* Unit 3111 and 3119 now use the proper OB
* Pavel Artemev placed as commader of Moscow Defense Zone
* Duplicate Soviet units removed

Operations Blue
* Rebuilt Hiwis
* Fixed a small number of Axis minor airgroups were using German planes instead of the localized versions
* 20 x Fw190Ds in starter pool zeroed out
* Staffels equipped with Bf-109E-7 Airframe replaced by the Bf109E-4B airframe
* Fixed the name of III/LG 1
* Increased German manpower
* Unit 2159 name has been corrected
* 3rd Rum. LR Recon Sqn now uses the Rumanian Blenheim
* Duplicate 'NN TD Artillery Battalion' removed
* All German fighter bomber airgroups equipped with the Bf109E-7 have been replaced by the Bf109E-4B
* Rebuilt Rum. Mountain Divisions to use latest OB changes

Operation Barbarossa
* Some duplicate Soviet airgroups corrected

Road to Kiev
* Unit 1800 and 1801 duplicate names fixed

Road to Smolensk, Road to Moscow, and Road to Minsk
* Starting ZG Groups now properly equipped with non-night fighter Bf110E-2s.
* Konstantin Rakutin put in command of 31st Army
* Duplicate I/36th LW Mixed Flak Battalion removed

9) Many changes to aircraft data as follows (thanks to Dennis Schulz for joining the data team and making this extensive aircraft review):

---GERMAN aircraft---
Ar 234B: Max alt increased to 11km, fuel increased to 6050 (carried 2,75t of fuel)
Bf 109E-3: maxspeed reduced to 354mph/570kph, fuel reduced to 660 (400l/300kg)
Bf 109E-4B: fuel reduced to 660 (400l/300kg)
Bf 109E-7: maxspeed reduced to 354mph/570kph, fuel reduced to 1155 (400+300l), maxload increased to 550lbs
Bf 109F-2: fuel reduced to 1155 (400+300l), max alt increased to 11km, maxspeed increased to 615kph/382mph
: build limit raised to 10, reliability raised to 15 (=less reliable), maxload increased to 550lbs
Bf 109F-4: fuel reduced to 1155 (400+300l), max alt increased to 11.6km, maxspeed increased to 650kph/404mph
: build limit raised to 10, maxload increased to 550
Bf 109G-14: fuel reduced to 1229 (400+300l + 75l MW-50), endurance reduced to 65 min (G-14 = G-6 with methanol injection),
: max alt decreased to 11.6km, max speed decreased to 664kph/413mph, maxload increased to 550lbs
Bf 109G-2: fuel reduced to 1155 (400+300l), maxload increased to 550lbs, reliability raised to 15 (=less reliable), max alt decreased to 11.6km
: maxspeed increased to 650kph/404mph
Bf 109G-6: fuel reduced to 1155 (400+300l), maxspeed increased to 643kph/400mph, maxload increased to 550lbs, max alt decreased to 11.6km
: climb rate increased to 3400
Bf 109G-6/R2: fuel reduced to 1155 (400+300l), maxspeed increased to 380mph, cruise speed increased to 320mph, max alt decreased to 11.6km
: endurance reduced to 65min, maxload increased to 550lbs
Bf 109G-6/U4N: fuel reduced to 1155 (400+300l), max alt increased to 11.6km, climb rate increased to 3100, endurance reduced to 65min
:maxload increased to 550lbs, maneuver increased by one to 28
Bf 109K-4: fuel reduced to 734 (400l + 75l MW-50), maxload increased to 550lbs, maxsped decreased to 712kph/443mph
Bf 110C: fuel increased to 2096 (1270l), maxspeed reduced to 342mph, max alt increased to 34000ft
Bf 110C-4B: fuel increased to 2096 (1270l)
Bf 110C-5: fuel increased to 2096 (1270l), max alt increased to 10500m, endurance reduced o 180min
Bf 110D-1/R2: fuel increased to 5065 (1270+1800l), endurance increased to 180min, maneuver +1 to 24, maxload increased to 2200lbs
Bf 110E-1/U2: fuel increased to 2096 (1270l), maxspeed reduced to 350mph, cruise speed reduced to 230mph, climb rate reduced to 2100ft
:max alt reduced to 34000ft
Bf 110E-2: fuel increased to 2096 (1270l), sortie ammo reduced to 1809, max speed reduced to 350mph, cruise speed reduced to 230mph
:max alt reduced to 34000ft
Bf 110F-4a: fuel increased to 2096 (1270l), uses aircraft symbol from Bf 110G-4
Bf 110G-2: fuel decreased to 2096 (1270l), sortie ammo increased to 1810, endurance reduced to 180min, maxload increased to 2200lbs
: maneuver +1 to 25, cruise speed reduced to 278mph, max alt increased to 26250ft
Bf 110G-4: fuel increased to 3086 (1270+600l), endurance decreased to 180min, crew increased to 3, maxload increased to 2200lbs
: maneuver +1 to 24
Bf 110G-4/U8: fuel increased to 3086 (1270+600l), max alt increased to 26250ft, crew increased to 3, maxload increased to 2200lbs
:endurance reduced to 180min, maxspeed reduced to 330mph, cruise speed reduced to 278mph
Do 17P-1: fuel increased to 2558 (2x775l), maxspeed increased to 261mph, max alt increased to 7500m, endurance increased to 260min
Do 17Z-2: fuel increased to 2558 (2x775l), crew reduced to 4
Do 215B-1: fuel increased to 2558 (2x775l), maxspeed increased to 500kph/311mph, cruise speed decreased to 410kph/255mph, max alt reduced to 9200m
: endurance reduced to 260min
Do 215B-5: fuel increased to 2558 (2x775l), max alt increased to 9200m, endurance reduced to 260min
: cruise speed decreased to 408kph/254mph, crew reduced to 3, maneuver +11 to 20, maxspeed increased to 498kph/310mph
Do 217E-2: fuel reduced to 4884 (2960l standard load), maxspeed reduced to 510kph/317mph, max alt reduced to 8500m
: endurance reduced to 250 (standard fuel load, overloaded with bombs)
Do 217J: fuel reduced to 4884 (2960l standard load), crew reduced to 3,
Do 217N: fuel reduced to 4884 (2960l standard load), climbrate increased to 1700ft
Do 335: max alt increased to 11.9km, fuel reduced to 4092 (1230l main + 2x375l secondary + 500l in bomb bay)
Fi 156C: fuel reduced to 248 (150l internal fuel), cruise speed increased to 149kph/93mph
: endurance reduced to 155min to keep the range below 400km
Fw 189A: fuel reduced to 729 (440l), max speed increased to 350kph, cruise speed increased to 320kph, endurance reduced to 135min
Fw 190A: fuel increased to 1855 (524l+2x600l), ammo increased to 789 (payment for bomb), maxload increased to 1100
: maxspeed reduced to 400mph, max alt reduced to 10.6km
Fw 190 A-5/U2: fuel increased to 1360 (524+300l), max load to 1100, maneuver +1 to 35, max alt reduced to 10.6km
Fw 190A-8/R2: fuel increased to 865 (524l), maxload to 550, convert from drone to manned aircraft (+1 crew)
Fw 190D: fuel increased to 1474 (524l + 115l MW-50), maxspeed increased to 426mph, max alt increased to 11.6km
Fw 190F: fuel increased to 865 (524l), ammo increased to 1308 (payment for bombs)
Fw 190G: fuel increased to 1855 (524l + 2x300l), armor reduced to one (no additional protection like in Fw 190F)
Fw 200C-3/U4: fuel increased to 5775 (only wing fuel tanks and one main fuselage tank), endurance cut down to 400min
: increase max load to 3000kg, sortie ammo reduced to 300 (no bombs), max speed increased to 249mph
Go 145C: fuel reduced to 297 (180l), endurance reduced to 210min
Go 244: fuel reduced to 1139 (690l), ammo reduced to 120, cruise speed reduced to 121mph, endurance reduced to 160min, max load reduced to 1500kg
He 111H-20/R2: ammo reduced to 250 (no bombs)
He 111H-3: fuel reduced to 3825 (2550l), endurance reduced to 250min,
He 111H-4: fuel reduced to 3825 (2550l), endurance reduced to 250min
He 111P: endurance increased to 350min - max fuel + no bombs = long range, climb rate increased to 902ft - no reason to be lower than H-version
He 112B: fuel reduced to 520 (115l +2x100l wing)
He 177A: fuel reduced to 14520 (8800l standard load), cruise speed reduced to 415kph, max speed increased to 550kph, max alt increased to 7.7km
: endurance down to 200min = ~1400km (Heinkel docs specify 1100km with 7t bombload)
He 219A: fuel reduced to 5577 (2600l+780l), maxsped reduced to 360mph (with antenna and flamedampers), max alt reduced to 10.5km
He 46C: fuel reduced to 616 (280kg), endurance reduced to 220min to get 800km range
Hs 123A: maxload to 1000lbs
Hs 126B: fuel reduced to 867 (525l)
Ju 188E:
Ju 86C: ammo reduced to 150 - no bombs
Ju 88A: ammo reduced to 4650 (uses only 2t of bombs)
Ju 88C-2: crew increased to 4
Ju 88G: crew reduced to 3
Me 163A:
Me 210A-1: maxload increased to 2200lbs, ammo increased to 2450 (payment for bombs)
Me 323: ammo reduced to 250 (no bombs)
Me 410A:
---FINNISH aircraft---

Bf 109G-2(F): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Bf 109G-6(F): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Ju 88A(F): data synced with German version as far as other loadout permits, use air symbol from German version
Do 17Z-2(F): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Fi 156C(F): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Blenheim I(F): use air symbol from 0119, first year changed from 1900 to 1/1939
Blenheim IV(F): use air symbol from 0119
F.K.52(F): use air symbol from 0120
Fokker C-V-E(F): ammo increased to 450 (payment for bombs)
I-153(F): use air symbol from 0129
Pe-2(F): use air symbol from 0127, armor reduced to 1
SB-2(F) : use air symbol from 0127
VL Myrsky II : use air symbol from 128, ammo increased to 560 (payment for bombs), maxload increased to 450lbs
---ITALIAN aircraft---
Cr.42 Falco: maxload to 450lbs
MC.200 Saetta: maxload increased to 220lbs, ammo increased to 283
Re.2000 Falco I: use air symbol from 0153
---ROMANIAN aircraft---
Bf 109E-3(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Bf 109G-2(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Bf 109G-6(R): data synced with German version as fa as other loadout permits, use air symbol from German version
Blenheim I(R) - recon: use air symbol from 0119, ammo reduced to 100 (no bombs), first year from 1900 to 1/1939
Blenheim I(R): use air symbol from 0119, first year changed from 1900 to 1/1939
Do 17M(R): data synced with German version where possible, crew increased to 4, ammo reduced to 300, use air symbol from 029
Fi 156C(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
He 111H-3(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
He 112B(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Hs 129B(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Ju 52(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Ju 86K-2(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Potez 63(R): maxload increased to 660 to match bombs
SM.79(R): use air symbol from 0156
SM.79JR: use air symbol from 0156
Ju 87D(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Ju 88A(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Ju 88D-1(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Bf 110E-1/U1(R): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
----HUNGARIAN aircraft---
Bf 109F-4(H): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Bf 109G-14(H): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Bf 109G-2(H): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Bf 109G-6(H): data synced with German version, use air symbol from German version
Ca.135bis(H): use air symbol from 0138
Ca.310 (H): use air symbol from 0139
Cr.32bis(H): use air symbol from 0142
Cr.42(H): maxload increased to 450lbs
FW 189A(H): data synced with German version
FW 190F(H): data synced with German version
He 46C(H): data synced with German version
Ju 88A(H): data synced with German version
Me 210Ca-1(H): data synced with German version
---SLOVAKIAN aircraft---
Bf 109E-3(S): data synced with German version
Bf 109G-2(S): data synced with German version
Bf 109G-6(S): data synced with German version
Fi 156C(S): data synced with German version
FW 189A(S): data synced with German version
He 111H-3(S): data synced with German version
---SOVIET aircraft---
I-15bis: ammo increased to 500 to account for bombload
I-16 Type 18: ammo increased to 670 to account for bombload
I-16 Type 24: ammo increased to 524 to account for bombload
MiG-3: ammo increased to 515 to account for bombload
Yak-1: ammo increased to 512 to account for bombload
Yak-1B: ammo increased to 512 to account for bombload
Yak-9T: add maxload of 443lbs
Yak-2: ammo decreased to 1350 to account for bombload
Yak-4: ammo decreased to 1350 to account for bombload
Yak-6: ammo increased to 25 - MG needs some ammo
LaGG-3: ammo increased to 505 to account for bombload, aircraft no longer upgrades
La-5: ammo increased to 254 to account for bombload, armor reduced to 1 - not a heavily armored aircraft
La-5F: ammo increased to 474 to account for bombload, armor reduced to 1 - not a heavily armored aircraft
La-5FN: ammo increased to 474 to account for bombload, armor reduced to 1 - not a heavily armored aircraft
La-7: ammo increased to 491 to account for bombload, armor reduced to 1 - not a heavily armored aircraft
Su-2: ammo decreased to 1100 to account for bombload
SB-2: ammo increased to 3600 to account for bombload
IL-2M: Changed bombload
IL-2M3: Changed bombload
Tu-2: ammo increased to 7034 to account for bombload, armor reduced to 1 - not a heavily armored aircraft
Tu-2S: ammo increased to 7034 to account for bombload, armor reduced to 1 - not a heavily armored aircraft
Pe-2: armor reduced to 1 - not a heavily armored aircraft
Pe-2R: armor reduced to 1 - not a heavily armored aircraft
Pe-3: ammo increased to 1649 to account for bombload, armor reduced to 1 - not a heavily armored aircraft
Pe-3bis: ammo increased to 1649 to account for bombload, armor reduced to 1 - not a heavily armored aircraft
Yer-2: ammo increased to 6778 to account for bombload
Yer-2 (1943): ammo increased to 8978 to account for bombload
DB-3B: ammo increased to 5590 to account for bombload
IL-4: ammo increased to 5628 to account for bombload
TB-3: ammo increased to 11113 to account for bombload
TB-3G-2: ammo increased to 50 - MGs need some ammo
Pe-8: ammo decreased to 6805 to account for bombload
Li-2: ammo increased to 25 - MG needs some ammo, crew reduced to two, max load increased to 10k lbs
Li-2VP: ammo increased to 3400 to account for bombload, crew increased to 4, maxload decreased to 2500kg
B-25J: ammo increased to 4400 to account for bombload
P-47D Thunderbolt: fuel increased to 2000 to account for drop tank
Spitfire IX: fuel increased to 858 (85+ 29 imp gallon), endurance down to 120 min
Spitfire Vb: fuel increased to 858 (85+ 29 imp gallon), endurance down to 120 min
Venga, ya teneis para leer un rato. :mrgreen:

Re: Como nos aburrimos, nuevo parche

Publicado: 06 Ene 2012, 07:43
por Chokai
Venga, ya teneis para leer un rato.
Efectivamente, un bueeeeen rato :mrgreen: . El caso es que el tal Dennis se ha lanzado a una reforma en profundidad ..... vienen todavía mas cambios que los de este parche, según comenta el mismo en el foro de matrix:
The aircraft equipment issues have not been fixed yet as I'm currently focussing on data issues (more stats, wrong upgrade paths, etc). The next aircraft update (Step 2) will still be data-only but similar in size to the current update. Fixing the equipment stuff is Step 3. Then I'll try to get some aircraft factories properly placed but this means another whelch of data to dig through.

Re: Como nos aburrimos, nuevo parche

Publicado: 07 Ene 2012, 02:57
por picaron

Re: Como nos aburrimos, nuevo parche

Publicado: 07 Ene 2012, 10:40
por EnriqueLister
Estas cosas son las que hacen a este juego grande... continuan dandole caña al tema :aplauso: