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Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 10:20
por Nihil
Sukino escribió:Un par de cosillas,el mapa ese nos dio un monton de problemas en otra partida,de hecho no pudimos empezarla hasra que lo cambiamos por otro, y la otra, conoceis el mod End Game Diversity 1.1?, ¿no quereis ponerlo?
Yo he jugado una partida en este mapa y no he tenido ningún problema, que problema se os presentó a vosotros?

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 11:25
por Sukino
En cuanto todos habiamos subido nuestros pretenders, la partida desaparecia sin más.

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 11:27
por Sukino
Informacion sobre el mod para que le hecheis un ojo:
"Intentaré publicar todos los MODs que implica esta partida, no voy sobrado de tiempo, asi que cualquier ayuda será bien recibida...esta es el MOD que nos hace olvidar a los Tartarians.

Changelog for version 1.03:

- Incorporated pyg's changes to give compatibility with CBM.
- Summon Roc reduced to research level 6 (was 7), since his use is rather niche
- Cost of ettin reduced to 18 gems.
- Description of ettin slightly changed to explain they are the strongest of their kind.
- Most of ettin's stats slightly improved.
- Firebird is Conjuration 5 (was 6)
- I would like to highlight that the Firebird actually brings good events as well as preventing bad ones (this is not a change)
- Modified description for final wendigo state to indicate that it will grow no more.
- Wendigo cost reduced to 24 gems (was 30) and researchlevel to 6 (was 7) on account of the time it takes to become useful.
- Wendigo's size stat actually now changes over time (starts at 2, increases to 6).
- Cost of mechanical giant reduced to 16 gems (was 25).
- Large stat boosts for Zmey: protection 22 (was 18) strength 28 (24) attack 18 (14) def 14 (12) fire breath damage 14 (10), all forms +20 hit points
- Zmey gained a tail attack, which is effective for parrying
- Zmey is Conjuration 6 (was 7), 35 gems (was 30)
- Asynja renamed to Awakened Asynja to avoid confusion with the pretender. Additionally her description has been modified a bit to fit with the name.
- Asynja gained glamour and stealth.
- Asynja randoms changed to 210% AEDB.
- Ember Lord lost 100% ED random (just has 10% FED now).
- Cyclops: Magic changed to E3F1 (was E3 + myriad randoms).
- Changed cyclops name ("Granite Cyclops") and description to distinguish it from the pretender
- Changed cyclops stats: higher att, def, prec, prot, slightly lower hp
- Cyclops only needs E5 and 30 gems to summon now (was E6 and 35 gems)
- Cyclops is now less "purple" following numerous purpleness complaints
- Grendelkin's attack reduced from 16 to 12
- Shishis got +1 to attack
- All treant forms got +20 hp

Original post:

Here at very long last is my long-muttered-about Endgame Diversity Mod.

The purpose of the mod is to give a greater range of choices in the lategame. Hopefully, no longer must even Tir na n'Og aim to get death magic and Tartarians. Instead they can battle Ermor's Tartarians with Treants and Aesir, while the Abysians unleash the power of the Ember Lords, and Atlantis fields great krakens from the the deeps.

This mod adds 13 new summon spells to the game. Four of the resulting summons are modified versions of base game pretenders or monsters, while the other nine are original. They are quite variable in power level. The unique True Firebird is quite feeble in itself, but situationally may be very powerful. The Grendelkin is probably the strongest creature in the game physically, but has no magic. The Wendigo starts off weak but eventually becomes formidable. The Ember Lord is probably the most powerful.

The thing I am most uncertain of is the costing for the summons. I am fairly satisfied with their stats for the most part (though comments are welcome). However, I really struggled to choose the research level, path requirements and gem costs, so input there would be very welcome. Until I have had a chance to process such feedback, this should probably be considered a beta version.

The spells added are:

"Quest for the Firebird" - F4, Conj 6, 20 gems
"Awaken Zmey" - F4, Conjuration 7, 30 gems
"Awaken Ember Lord" - F6, Conjuration 9, 60 gems
"Summon Shishis" - A4 - Conjuration 6, 30 gems
"Summon Roc" - A4 - Conjuration 7, 25 gems
"Awaken Aesir" - A5 - Conjuration 8, 35 gems
"Mechanical Giant" - E5 - Construction 7, 25 gems
"Awaken Cyclops" - E6 - Conjuration 8, 35 gems
"Great Kraken" - W4 - Enchantment 7, 30 gems
"Call Grendelkin" - W3E3 - Enchantment 8, 40 gems
"Curse of the Wendigo" - W3D3 - Thaumaturgy 7, 35 gems
"Wild Ettin"- N3E2 - Enchantment 7, 25 gems
"Awaken Treant" - N5 - Enchantment 8, 40 gems

I have added an additional nation in EA, called "Endgame Diversity Mod, Testing Nation". It is able to recruit all of the new units. The idea is that it will be easily possible to see the stats and magic randoms of the new creatures without having to do lots and lots of research. However, if you enjoy surprises, don't look at the testing nation and wait till you summon the creature!

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 11:28
por Sukino
Informacion sobre el mod para que le hecheis un ojo:
"Intentaré publicar todos los MODs que implica esta partida, no voy sobrado de tiempo, asi que cualquier ayuda será bien recibida...esta es el MOD que nos hace olvidar a los Tartarians.

Changelog for version 1.03:

- Incorporated pyg's changes to give compatibility with CBM.
- Summon Roc reduced to research level 6 (was 7), since his use is rather niche
- Cost of ettin reduced to 18 gems.
- Description of ettin slightly changed to explain they are the strongest of their kind.
- Most of ettin's stats slightly improved.
- Firebird is Conjuration 5 (was 6)
- I would like to highlight that the Firebird actually brings good events as well as preventing bad ones (this is not a change)
- Modified description for final wendigo state to indicate that it will grow no more.
- Wendigo cost reduced to 24 gems (was 30) and researchlevel to 6 (was 7) on account of the time it takes to become useful.
- Wendigo's size stat actually now changes over time (starts at 2, increases to 6).
- Cost of mechanical giant reduced to 16 gems (was 25).
- Large stat boosts for Zmey: protection 22 (was 18) strength 28 (24) attack 18 (14) def 14 (12) fire breath damage 14 (10), all forms +20 hit points
- Zmey gained a tail attack, which is effective for parrying
- Zmey is Conjuration 6 (was 7), 35 gems (was 30)
- Asynja renamed to Awakened Asynja to avoid confusion with the pretender. Additionally her description has been modified a bit to fit with the name.
- Asynja gained glamour and stealth.
- Asynja randoms changed to 210% AEDB.
- Ember Lord lost 100% ED random (just has 10% FED now).
- Cyclops: Magic changed to E3F1 (was E3 + myriad randoms).
- Changed cyclops name ("Granite Cyclops") and description to distinguish it from the pretender
- Changed cyclops stats: higher att, def, prec, prot, slightly lower hp
- Cyclops only needs E5 and 30 gems to summon now (was E6 and 35 gems)
- Cyclops is now less "purple" following numerous purpleness complaints
- Grendelkin's attack reduced from 16 to 12
- Shishis got +1 to attack
- All treant forms got +20 hp

Original post:

Here at very long last is my long-muttered-about Endgame Diversity Mod.

The purpose of the mod is to give a greater range of choices in the lategame. Hopefully, no longer must even Tir na n'Og aim to get death magic and Tartarians. Instead they can battle Ermor's Tartarians with Treants and Aesir, while the Abysians unleash the power of the Ember Lords, and Atlantis fields great krakens from the the deeps.

This mod adds 13 new summon spells to the game. Four of the resulting summons are modified versions of base game pretenders or monsters, while the other nine are original. They are quite variable in power level. The unique True Firebird is quite feeble in itself, but situationally may be very powerful. The Grendelkin is probably the strongest creature in the game physically, but has no magic. The Wendigo starts off weak but eventually becomes formidable. The Ember Lord is probably the most powerful.

The thing I am most uncertain of is the costing for the summons. I am fairly satisfied with their stats for the most part (though comments are welcome). However, I really struggled to choose the research level, path requirements and gem costs, so input there would be very welcome. Until I have had a chance to process such feedback, this should probably be considered a beta version.

The spells added are:

"Quest for the Firebird" - F4, Conj 6, 20 gems
"Awaken Zmey" - F4, Conjuration 7, 30 gems
"Awaken Ember Lord" - F6, Conjuration 9, 60 gems
"Summon Shishis" - A4 - Conjuration 6, 30 gems
"Summon Roc" - A4 - Conjuration 7, 25 gems
"Awaken Aesir" - A5 - Conjuration 8, 35 gems
"Mechanical Giant" - E5 - Construction 7, 25 gems
"Awaken Cyclops" - E6 - Conjuration 8, 35 gems
"Great Kraken" - W4 - Enchantment 7, 30 gems
"Call Grendelkin" - W3E3 - Enchantment 8, 40 gems
"Curse of the Wendigo" - W3D3 - Thaumaturgy 7, 35 gems
"Wild Ettin"- N3E2 - Enchantment 7, 25 gems
"Awaken Treant" - N5 - Enchantment 8, 40 gems

I have added an additional nation in EA, called "Endgame Diversity Mod, Testing Nation". It is able to recruit all of the new units. The idea is that it will be easily possible to see the stats and magic randoms of the new creatures without having to do lots and lots of research. However, if you enjoy surprises, don't look at the testing nation and wait till you summon the creature!

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 11:28
por JmBesada
Eso era por como estaba nombrado el mapa, Jimmy no creo que tenga ese problema ya que no es la primera partida que crea con ese mapa.

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 15:09
por legolasjrt
Si es el mapa. intenta subirlo tu mismo al llama para ver si a si rula. La partida que yo cree, fue inicialmente con ese mapa, y tras 3 fracasos cambiamos el mapa y funciono.

Te gusto el EDM ?? :aplauso:

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 16:03
por Jimmy
He estado probando cosas, y ciertamente, Sharivar tal y como está subido no funciona. La versión con fixed sites si funciona, pero la que está subida en el llama no coincide con la del foro, así que a la mierda.

Propongo nuevo mapa: Craddle of Dominions. Cabria una persona mas.


Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 16:33
por Nihil
El cradle también es un mapa muy interesante.

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 16:47
por JmBesada
Si, si que lo es. Pero si jugamos con él, el jugador que falta tiene que ser Acuático a narices...

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 16:55
por Jimmy
JmBesada escribió:Si, si que lo es. Pero si jugamos con él, el jugador que falta tiene que ser Acuático a narices...
Es probable, si alguien mas quiere jugar y nadie tiene una preferencia en especial, me ofrezco voluntario para jugar una nación acuática.

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 21:22
por waldemarne
si todavía estoy a tiempo me apunto como EA Mictlan o como R'Lyeh si nadie quiere ser raza acuática.


Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 14 Oct 2010, 21:54
por Jimmy
Vale, si nadie da un paso al frente te quedas con los pulpitos.

En principio volvemos a estar completos.

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 15 Oct 2010, 22:34
por Jimmy
Os recuerdo que podéis subir pretenders y tal :mrgreen:

Para quién le interese, cambio Niefleheim por mi primer amor, Sauromatia, por si a alguien le interesa.

Por cierto, ¿ha sido alguno de vosotros el que ha subido un pretender de MA Agartha? He dado por supuesto que era un infiltrado y le he dado pasaporte.

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 15 Oct 2010, 23:50
por JmBesada
Jimmy escribió:Os recuerdo que podéis subir pretenders y tal :mrgreen:

Para quién le interese, cambio Niefleheim por mi primer amor, Sauromatia, por si a alguien le interesa.

Por cierto, ¿ha sido alguno de vosotros el que ha subido un pretender de MA Agartha? He dado por supuesto que era un infiltrado y le he dado pasaporte.
Era Luden :mrgreen:
Mira el tercer post del hilo

Re: [Dom3: Partida multiera] TARDIS

Publicado: 16 Oct 2010, 00:20
por Jimmy
JmBesada escribió:Era Luden :mrgreen:
Mira el tercer post del hilo
Damn, eso me pasa por no revisar la primera página, Ludden, lo siento, ¿puedes volverlo a enviar :mrgreen: ?