El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2627
Registrado: 03 Feb 2004, 19:10
STEAM: Jugador

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por CeltiCid »

RobertOlmstead escribió:
Alguien que mata a distancia y hace daño de area siempre tiene más opciones a la hora de escapar.
Uffff no se que decirte :bang: He empezado otra partida con un enano warden chronomancer (arco y dagas a dos manos, con magia del tiempo/espacio) y si, a distancia y con las bombas haces danyo, pero ni subiendo la constitucion y llevando armaduras tochas aguanto dos hostias, estoy con el teletransporte cada 5 sin turnos, lanzando curaciones y escapando porque de dos leches me canean...

Nivel 8, y he muerto ya dos veces :lol:
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Veteran - Leutnant
Veteran - Leutnant
Mensajes: 920
Registrado: 11 Oct 2013, 15:35
STEAM: Jugador

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por Capote »

CeltiCid escribió:
RobertOlmstead escribió:
Alguien que mata a distancia y hace daño de area siempre tiene más opciones a la hora de escapar.
Uffff no se que decirte :bang: He empezado otra partida con un enano warden chronomancer (arco y dagas a dos manos, con magia del tiempo/espacio) y si, a distancia y con las bombas haces danyo, pero ni subiendo la constitucion y llevando armaduras tochas aguanto dos hostias, estoy con el teletransporte cada 5 sin turnos, lanzando curaciones y escapando porque de dos leches me canean...

Nivel 8, y he muerto ya dos veces :lol:
Normalmente es más difícil subir de nivel a un mago o a un pícaro, que por ejemplo a un guerrero o a un tanque. Una vez que lo tienes con nivel si te lo has creado bien, ahí ya podrás partir la pana, pero lo normal es que te maten rápido. Pillate uno con un golem y metele una buena aura de protección, mantén mucho la distancia y deja que el golem los triture o algo así. O Igual deberías empezar por otra clase y raza hasta que le cojas el ritmo al juego.
Si te vale, con los que me ha parecido más fácil, han sido con cormac -berseker y cormac -bulwark (el del escudo), además de los orcos de la nueva expansión con sus dos pistolas, que esos son maquinorras
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2627
Registrado: 03 Feb 2004, 19:10
STEAM: Jugador

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por CeltiCid »

No, si le he echado horas al juego, mas de 86, y el pulso se lo tengo cogido :D pero mira tu por donde, entre tanta raza y clase, nunca me había dado pro hacer un arquero/mago. Había hecho de todo, menos eso. Y si, hay que ir con mucho mas cuidado porque puedes morir con mucha mas rapidez. Con un guerrero, directamente usando los cursores, muchas veces con moverte hacia el enemigo, no tienes ni que usar las habilidades si es un bicho normalito, con dos leches te lo cargas. Con esta clase es mas divertido, pero lento, de jugar :Ok:
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 5443
Registrado: 15 Jul 2007, 22:22
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: rodeado de dados, cajas, tableros y fichas de cartón

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por Rubeus »

Yo sólo quería darte las gracias, CeltiCid, por descubrirme este juego a partir de tu publicación de este hilo :D
Primero lo probé (versión gratuita de su página oficial: http://te4.org/ ) y nada, ha sido amor a primera vista. Ya lo he comprado junto con sus dos expansiones, "Ashes of Urh'Rok" y "Embers of Rage". Me parece un gran juego en su categoría, sí señor, muy entretenido, puñetero, aún hay muchísimas cosas que no controlo y deseando echarme más partidas.

Una gran recomendación, muchas horas de diversión se otean en el horizonte con él y a un precio buenísimo :Ok:
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2627
Registrado: 03 Feb 2004, 19:10
STEAM: Jugador

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por CeltiCid »

Me alegro Rubeus :Ok: Encantado de que te guste a ti y a todos, pero luego no me vengan con culpas si el perro se te orina en casa o tu novia te deja porque no le haces caso :P Fijate que hace un ratito, despues de 86 horas jugadas, he desbloqueado otra clase cuando al jugar con mi chronomancer, una copia de mi mismo me ha matado jajaajja...mas horas para probarla. Y entre expansiones y ampliaciones (siguen sacando contenido) me parece que va a tener un hueco en mi tiempo para siempre :)
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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 5443
Registrado: 15 Jul 2007, 22:22
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: rodeado de dados, cajas, tableros y fichas de cartón

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por Rubeus »

CeltiCid escribió:Me alegro Rubeus :Ok: Encantado de que te guste a ti y a todos, pero luego no me vengan con culpas si el perro se te orina en casa o tu novia te deja porque no le haces caso :P Fijate que hace un ratito, despues de 86 horas jugadas, he desbloqueado otra clase cuando al jugar con mi chronomancer, una copia de mi mismo me ha matado jajaajja...mas horas para probarla. Y entre expansiones y ampliaciones (siguen sacando contenido) me parece que va a tener un hueco en mi tiempo para siempre :)
¡Jajajajajjaa! ¡Qué crack! :lol: No, (afortunadamente), no tengo perro ni gato. Mujer sí, aunque tengo mucha suerte: es muy comprensiva :D
Ya te digo que aún he jugado poco, voy MUY, MUY, MUY despacito (avanzo al personaje paso a paso, disfrutándolo como si de un juego de mesa de aventuras por turnos se tratara y leyéndome absolutamente todo lo que sale en el log) y descubriendo cositas paso a paso. Además, es todo un reto mantenerse vivo. Es decir, no lo veo fácil pero tampoco extremadamente difícil. Incluso cuando acabo muriendo tengo la sensación de que soy yo el que ha hecho algo mal y no es el juego el que me está haciendo trampas, y es una sensación muy buena :D
El caso es que llevo unos días echándole horas (más o menos desde que leí este hilo que abriste, vamos...) y me está gustando muchísimo. Le intuyo una laaaaarga vida instalado en mi PC. Creo que son de estos juegos que, si consigues vencer sus carencias técnicas (estéticas, sobre todo), te engancha y son extremadamente entretenidos y rentables, ya que su jugabilidad, el querer superarte, avanzar más allá, es la clave.

Gracias de nuevo y un saludo :Ok:
Conscript - Gefreiter
Conscript - Gefreiter
Mensajes: 119
Registrado: 01 Dic 2013, 17:14
STEAM: No Jugador

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por RobertOlmstead »

CeltiCid escribió: Uffff no se que decirte :bang: He empezado otra partida con un enano warden chronomancer (arco y dagas a dos manos, con magia del tiempo/espacio) y si, a distancia y con las bombas haces danyo, pero ni subiendo la constitucion y llevando armaduras tochas aguanto dos hostias, estoy con el teletransporte cada 5 sin turnos, lanzando curaciones y escapando porque de dos leches me canean...
Del Temporal Warden poco te puedo decir, no lo he jugado. Clases con las que disfruté mucho en su día son el Anorithil (Corona es una ametralladora) y el Corruptor (una capacidad de hacer daño brutal, y un gran escudo, con lo que puedes hacer hit & run con confianza). Y mi clase favorita, el Aventurero a la carta: es un vicio intentar diseñar la combinación de habilidades más OP.

Ya que veo que te hace ilusión desbloquear una clase nueva, mi addon favorito:

https://te4.org/games/addons/tome/ignor ... lass-locks

Con él puedes crear personajes de todas las razas/clases bloqueadas.
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Veteran - Leutnant
Veteran - Leutnant
Mensajes: 920
Registrado: 11 Oct 2013, 15:35
STEAM: Jugador

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por Capote »

CeltiCid escribió:No, si le he echado horas al juego, mas de 86, y el pulso se lo tengo cogido :D pero mira tu por donde, entre tanta raza y clase, nunca me había dado pro hacer un arquero/mago. Había hecho de todo, menos eso. Y si, hay que ir con mucho mas cuidado porque puedes morir con mucha mas rapidez. Con un guerrero, directamente usando los cursores, muchas veces con moverte hacia el enemigo, no tienes ni que usar las habilidades si es un bicho normalito, con dos leches te lo cargas. Con esta clase es mas divertido, pero lento, de jugar :Ok:
Lo siento, no me había fijado que eras tú el que había recomendado el juego e iniciado el hilo :)
Si te sirve de consuelo, yo también tengo unas cuantas horas en el juego y no doy con la tecla de los de distancia salvo con los orcos gunslinger de la expansión que van con armas de fuego, y o voy con un hechizo de teleport de mucha distancia o cuando me encuentro con magos buenos o arqueros de dos toques me matan.
Avatar de Usuario
Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 2627
Registrado: 03 Feb 2004, 19:10
STEAM: Jugador

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por CeltiCid »

Pedazo update!

My minions, I am happy and proud to give you Tales of Maj'Eyal 1.5.0 ! See http://te4.org/
This release also is joined to a release of Embers of Rage (1.0.4) and Ashes of Urh'Rok (1.0.6)!

Enjoy and have fun in Eyal!

Major Features
New donator/buyers class: Possessors
Imported Stone Wardens class into the base game, with an unlock
Fully rewrote Archer class
Fully rewrote Rogue class
Reworked Chants and Hymns trees
Buffed Antimagic
Much improved Infinite Dungeon, with new layouts, terrains and challenge levels
New visual effects for many, many talents, both old and new
New "shimmer" cosmetic feature for donators/buyers to change the look of your gear and finally look dapper!
All artifacts now have unique player doll images, to look even more dapper!

New quests popup visuals, varying depending on the type and status of quest
Rewrote Survival tree
Altered other warrior & rogue subclasses to match new categories
New Light Armour Training talent
When the player enters a level (the first time only), any nearby hostiles in radius 5 are scattered around the level, to prevent entering deathtraps
When unlocking poisons the Lord unlocks un already learnt
Adventurers start with a cloak in inventory
Antimagic now scales with either Mindpower of Physical power
Resolve now works even while Antimagic Shield is up when at level 5
Mana Clash now also adds a timed effect that adds manaburn to all damage dealt
Antimagic Shield max absorb buffed and now does a manaburn backlask against the attacker
Aura of Silence now also restores equilibrium for each foes silenced
Talent descriptions automatically note talents that won't break stealth.
Rares/Uniques/Bosses/Elite Bosses/Gods now have distinctive markers on them to easily notice them
Increased Epoch's Curve range by 1
Nerfed cooldown and healing on Bathe in Light
Staves accuracy bonus is now halved for short staves
Brittle Clear Oozes are much rarer
Nigthmare has slightly increased chance of rare spanws
Stairs can not be used for some turns after a kill (0 on Easy, 2 on Normal, 3 on Nightmare, 5 on Insane, 9 on Madness)
Ogres's Writ Large lets them get a 6th inscription slot as before, but they have to use a category point to actually unlock it
Buffed Highers (Gift also gives healing mod%, Overseer grants telepathy on hit, Born into Magic has better numbers)
Dwarf Stoneskin fully ignores the triggering attack, and correctly states it has no cooldown and can re-proc while active
Nerfed infravision on the experiments in the Blighted Ruins
Buffed Ghouls (Ghoul provides more stats, Ghoulish Leap provides a global speed boost on landing, reduced Retch cooldown a little, increased Gnaw stats reduction and ghoul spawned is fully
All summons affected by Blighted Summoning get max vim on spawn
Buffed Skeletons (Skeleton gives more str/dex, reduced cooldown of both Bone Armour and Re-assemble)
Buffed Dwarves (Resiliense gives hardiness, Stoneskin and Power is Money give higher numbers)
Dark Empathy now also transfers the caster's resists cap
Cornacs start with one more generic point and gain additional class and generic points while leveling
Nerfed Ogres a little (and buffed a little)
Some slight Shalore nerfs (and a buff)
Augmentation updates with each stats change and has a small cooldown
New "Detach Tinker" command in the item's menu to remove a tinker from an object, worn or otherwise
Tinkered objects show the tinker they use in their names
Dwarven Adventurers can use stone wardens talents
All zones now update their base level each time the player enters
All liches NPCs have 50% chance to ignore crits, archliches and bloodliches have 100%
Lichform grants 100% stun & disease immunity
Lichform now has a new rank 7, which is much more powerful than puny level 6 liches !
Skeleton's Re-Assemble can not be cheesed anymore
Healing modifier scales (0.5 power) with constitution.
When disarmed, some traps give the player a chance to learn (unlock) a related trap talent.
Revised (nerfed) Gesture of Guarding's deflection value (similar to parry).
Talents whose descriptions contain a damage will now also base it on the stunned/dazed/number/.. state to reflect the actual damage that can be done more accurately
Player AOE targeting with stop block will not block on unseen actors.
Player AOE targeting highlights with stop block will not be blocked by unseen actors.
Darkest Light will not appear on randbosses/elites anymore
Infinite Dungeon levels sometimes get zone-wide auras
Backup guardians can now drop tier 5 items
Levelup dialog has a checkbox to hide unknown categories, should help a lot Adventurers
New game option in Misc section to show or hide cloak hoods (off by default)
Added a Font Scaling option to the video menu, from 50% to 300%
Capslock to scroll is now rebindable like any other keybinds, under the name "Scroll map mode"
Corrections/clarifications to the descriptions and log messages for a few artifacts.
Short staves will appear smaller than normal ones on the player's doll
Unique tiles for all artifacts, including every possible versions of the Crystal Heart and Crystal Focus
Bone Shield displays current and max charges on the icon
Buffed quick, supercharged, and overpowered charm egos a bit (better cooldowns)
Reworked Hornet Stingers to be useful. Now 20 damage per turn up from 15 and 20% talent failure rate up from 5%.
Added unarmed on-hit Cursed talents for Ruthless Grip so brawlers won't be so sad. Lowered the healing mod malus from -20% to -10% so it will be a safer choice. Slight increase in price and
slight decrease in base power and on-hits to balance it out with its new talents.
Revamped Spellblade. Changed level range from 40-45 to 35-50 to hopefully see it drop more often.
Black Mesh now has a 100% chance to pull in the attacker to reinforce its identity (only once per turn), clarified the on-block tooltip to let people know what it really does.
Filled in missing proc chance for Coral Spray, changed wording slightly.
Fire Dragon Shield now has a 30% chance to cast level 2 Fire Breath on your foes in radius 6, possibly stunning them. Added 15% fire affinity for flavor and usefulness.
Changed Scale Mail of Kroltar's activable from Lv 3 Inferno (Archmage skill) to Lv 3 Devouring Flames (Wyrmic skill) for flavor, slight increase in utility!
Dragon Helm of Kroltar now has +5 wil, +10% phys/fire damage, 0.2 Fire drake aspect mastery. Changed activable to level 3 bellowing roar for flavor and usefulness. Changed to properly use
armor training 1 instead of 3 as all other helms do for consistency, it pairs with mail armor anyways. Set bonus gives an additional +14 luck for a total of 10.
New tileset for the Heart of the Gloom, with a different one for the dream version of it and an other variant for the Grushnak pride also using it
Crooked club no longer unreliabe, battle call is now level 2 and an activable. Physical Repulsion on crit changed to regular Physical.
Malslek the accursed's hat no longer arcane-powered to accomodate antimagic psions.
Skin of many gets +30% blindness immunity instead of fear for undead, as they're already fear immune.
Mighty Girdle now has +40 hp, -10% fatigue. Set bonus loses 40 hp and gains an extra -10% fatigue
Mighty Girdle base cost down to 150 from 350
Make Impending Doom less annoying to deal with by reducing healing mod malus to 80% from 100%
Halfling racial talent also increases steam crits
Disabled greater-crypt and trickvault vaults (the ones with the levers/tricks that sometimes bork) until they can be remade in a way that cant trap players forever
Can not recall out of subvaults
Increased price of Emblem of Evasion
Flat damage resistance is now subject to disminishing returns, usign the same formula as foo-powers and saves; except on base of 40 (so up to 40 there is no disminishing at all)
Spellhunt Remnants can not be upgraded witha tinker inside, and says so
Solipcism psi regen on heal/life regen works even if life/regen is blocked
Stone Skin now has a chance to reduce a random talent's cooldown when hit in melee
Default targetting now prioritizes targets in line of sight over ESP ones
Arrows also get the 2h ego multiplier
Bows now have a ego multiplier like other 2h weapons
Added base physical power/crit to character sheet.
Unlocked Mobility for Marauder
Reduced Shield Wall scaling and cooldown
Reduced Last Stand cooldown
Increased Bulwarks life rating
Improved APR on egos and added some new ones
Update Heavy Armor Training to use a standard scaling formula
Reduce Snap cooldown to 30 and stamina to 25
Eye of the Tiger is now configurable by addons
Magic of the Eternals correctly increases all crits (including Embers of Rage's Steamcrit)
Temporal Elementals have new tiles
Lady Nashva the Streambender finally has her own tile
Shadowblades gain Mobility tree
te4_log.txt on OSX is now always in /tmp
Providence does not heal anymore
Reduced max possible cooldown a little on shielding runes
Upgrade to rare items generation & redesigned some egos & powers
Removed healmod malus from Death's Embrace
Cinderfeet no longer damages friendlies
Vault walls in High Peak, Rak'Shor Pride and Grushnak Pride now match the visual theme
High Peak now have many possible events, including subvaults
Vaults have a much much higher chance to appear in the four Prides
Minor Brawler update
Detonate works through Through The Crowd
Fast as Lightning also grants 50%% chances to fully evade dy displacement
Lucky Day also provides a permanent 10% chance to evade damage by moving away
Garkul's Revenge also increases damage to giants
Temporal Form also grants Anomaly Flawed Design, Anomaly Gravity Pull and Anomaly Wormhole
Aether Permeation also gives 10% arcane resist cap
Armour of Shadows give 20% evasion when on unlit tile
Never Stop Running cooldown reduced to 8
Draconic Body cooldown reduced to 15
Corrupted Shell also increases armour
Through The Crowd now also grants 3% global speed per stack (up to 15%%) and is also given to all party members
Giant Leap cooldown reduced, also removes all stun/daze/pin effects
Windtouched Speed now also reduces all cooldowns by 10%
Limit GWF to once per turn and re-buff proc rate and duration numbers a bit
Superpower changed 60% of Strength and 40% Willpower modifier
I Can Carry the World also grants a size category and 10 more strength
Massive Blow also applies Counterstrike if a wall is hit (and fixes desc to reflect it ignores save & immunity)
Clarify weapon proc descriptions and change a few numbers
Animus Hoarder: extra soul chance (nerf)
Shield Expertise: save bonuses
Putting Telos Staff Crystal in an alchmist golem changes its name and gives it.. personality
Crystalline items can be unmade and remade again at a higher tier.
Telos items now form a set.
Ureslak's Femur and Ureslak's Molted Scales form a set.
Ureslak's Molten Scales can now be activated to gain a reactive resistance buff
New lore to the High Peak
Display negative life in the UI instead of ???
Switched Manathrust and Arcane Power spots
Switched Pulverizing Auger and Stone Skin spots
Necromancer's Dark Empathy now helps minions not kill each other
Level 3 and up of Aura Mastery has a 25% chance to return souls from minions on death if they're inside the aura
Animus Hoarder is passive to reduce mana and soul strains early
Chill of the Tomb has a 100% chance to create a wisp if it kills a friendly necrotic minion while Will o' the Wisp is sustained for synergy
Lowered overall mana costs and cooldowns on Necromancer's non-locked trees slightly to prevent as many dead turns

Fixed a rare offline vault problem for some people
Lever in Gorbat pride is not hidden by the sand anymore
Fixed Dominant Will to correctly fade away
Clarified/fix descriptions of several talents.
Shadows affected by Blighted Summoning now come up with full vim
Fixed Stone Warden Halves bug
Fixed a bug with small maps not centering correctly
Cloning one of the acolytes in the Dark Dungeon will not prevent saving Melinda
Fire hatchlings summoned by the Grand Arrival of Fire Drakes do not count towards the max summon limit
Leveling up talents in the LevelupDialog will not break stealth or other effects.
Fix Escorts being overwritten by other Actors during level generation.
Updated missing scaling of talents Chromatic Fury, Pure Aether, Uttercold, FrostDusk, Crystalline Focus, and Wildfire
Slime Roots can not reset fixed cooldown talents anymore
Totality correctly respects fixed cooldown talents
Yeek's Wayist talent create wayists with a telekinetically wielded greatsword
Fixed Cursed stalker debuff getting thrown back to them by Embers of Rage's Psionic Mirror talent
Randbosses will correctly learn talent categories specified with data.add_trees.
Fixed multiplying npcs so that they do not act upon splitting
Fixed Hymns of Moonlight not working with Ranged Amplification Device (from Embers of Rage)
Fixed Swap Tinker option to not reset to enabled when the game restarts
Oozewalk correctly only removes detrimental effects
Updated Ring of the War Master and the Murderblade to correctly boost berserker talents
Fixed offhand mindstar from not using the talent's damage multiplier
Fixed a bug that sometimes made alt daikara 4 or sludgenest 1 (and probably some others) fail to generate
Fixed a bug that sometimes made exiting subvaults bug out
Fixed a bug preventing adventurers from restarting from premades in the infinite dungeon
Phase Door and Teleport respect teleport immunity
Fixed The Cage (Embers of Rage) from working only once
Fix random freeze/random stop at high run speed
Fixed Adrenaline Surge
Fixed Shattering Blow description/damage
Fixed talents breaking on events not correctly working in some edge cases (this should fix Embers of Rage steam drain bug)
Fixed Aertherwalk teleporting on the opposite side of the target area
Make sure a temporary effect can not be removed before it finishes being setup (fixes a rare perma confusion bug)
Rotting Disease: Rescaled damage.
Decrepitute Disease: Rescaled damage.
Weakness Disease: Rescaled damage.
Fortress exploratory farportal only uses energy if you actually can go through (as in when not controlling a party member)
Fixed mindpower of the Caller mindstar ego
Fixed Derth staying fark after completing Storming the city quest
Recall, Teleport: Angolwen and Teleport: Point Zero do not work for non main-player anymore
Fixed resting for resources regen at super low values on inverted resources
Fixed a rare chronomancy bug
Fixed a weird interraction between Elemental Split, Stone Wall, Dwarven Unity and stair dancing. That was a fun one ! :)

Addons Stuff
Added new hooks "Quest:init" and "Quest:setStatus"
Added new hooks "UseTalents:generate" and "UseTalents:use" to mimic the UseItemMenu ones
Added new hooks "InfiniteDungeon:getLayouts" and "InfiniteDungeon:getGrids" to add new varieties to the "abnormal" ID levels
Added hook "ShertulFortress:exploratoryPortal:specialLocation" to add new special places to the portal
Added hook "Combat:attackTargetWith:attackerBonuses"
Recursing attacks, like Sawrd in Embers of Rage, can be set to deal less procs damage
Fix bug in Actor:fireTalentCheck and Actor:iterCallbacks clearing __project_source field incorrectly after callbacks.
Entity: Added getTemporaryValue function. Updated some temp value error messages to include name/uid of entity involved.
New actor property: "talent_no_resources" to make individual talents cost no resources
Added handling for actor.forbid_talents table
Static tmx loader can now understand object layers with names like "spawn#actor"
Actor:getTalentLevel will correctly return 0 for unknown talents
Actor:canSee correctly calculates and uses the correct chance to see when the target has both Stealth and Invisibility.
Game:logVisible does a better job at determining when non-actors are identified by the Player in log messages. Updated the comments for the log management functions.
The Building map generator can now accommodate rooms.
Rooms are (depending on their design) seamlessly integrated with the BSP-based automatic buildings.
Added a rng.rarityTable function
Stores can now ignore material levels with ignore_material_levels=true
New callback "callbackOnQuickSwitchWeapons"

Marked multiple achievements as "huge", there were none! Oh!
Range Amplification Device fatigue penalty reduced to 20%
Arcane Amplification Drone does not damage the caster
Reduced Automated Reflex System cooldown to 4
Fixed powering the Ring of Lost Love
Eye of the Tiger now affects steamtech talents
Molten Points can not be removed anymore
Gunslingers start with a unique cloak, no special powers but a unique and cool looking skin!
New player doll tiles to match ToME 1.5 system
Reduced Sawrd procs power
Added support for Possessors
Explosive Steam Engine and Tremor Engine now correctly work even outside of sight
Reduced some salves power a little
Increased Pain Enhancement System cooldown
All weapons tiers now have a doll tile per tier. No more will that awesome voratun sword look like a boring iron sword!
Fixed (nerfed) poison water damage in Dominion sewers.
Fixed some issues with AAA and weissi-machine (could learn forbidden arcane/antimagic talents) chats.
Clarified steamsaw weapon description.
Krimbul glowing moss grids allow water breathing.
Fixed Nektosh's AI.
Removed incorrect tiles lists loaded for Krimbul and Lost City final maps.
Add new tileset variation to the Infinite Dungeon of 1.5: corrupted cave, psi cave, mana cave, mechstone and full mech
Fixed digging in Krimbul
Civilians can pop in insane/nightmare/madness modes too in the vaporous imporium

Demon Seeds now show on your character
Blood Shield disabled on rest/run
Buffed Jaw of Rogroth
Wheel of Fate level range increased to 30 and material level is min only (just like inscriptions)
Added demonic cosmetic skin to skeletons and ghouls
Added support for Possessors
Demonologists now start with Combat Veteran tree
Fixed out of combat vim regen by abusing Jaw of Rogroth
Fixed a rare bug where the control crystal could fail to appear in the Searing Halls

Have fun in Eyal!
Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 7402
Registrado: 24 Ago 2004, 12:10
STEAM: Jugador

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por Nihil »

Esto me sirve de excusa para echarme unas cuantas partidas al tome :mrgreen:
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Veteran - Leutnant
Veteran - Leutnant
Mensajes: 920
Registrado: 11 Oct 2013, 15:35
STEAM: Jugador

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por Capote »

Ayer vi que se me actualizaba pero aún no he visto nada.
A gente así da gusto darle soporte, aunque después lo tengas de forma gratuita en su web.
Se lo curra mucho.
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Registrado: 17 Abr 2007, 20:11
STEAM: Jugador

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por Rander »


Cual es la diferencia entre la versión de steam y la de descarga en la web?

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Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
Mensajes: 7219
Registrado: 12 Nov 2011, 15:19
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: a la sombra de la Alcazaba de Malika en Al-Andalus

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por Ronin »

Este juego me tienta por vuestros comentarios, pero me da que tiene mucho texto y mucho ingles.

Convencedme para que lo compre :P
¡¡¡Cuanto echamos de menos el esplendor de Al-Andalus!!!

Crack - Oberst
Crack - Oberst
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STEAM: Jugador

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por Nihil »

Ronin escribió: 10 Mar 2017, 16:42 Convencedme para que lo compre :P
Cuando me meto en el steam a ver la actividad de los amigos no hay día en el que no diga que te has comprado algo nuevo, si hoy no has estrenado el casillero este juego puedo inaugurarlo tranquilamente :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

En cuanto al juego si que tiene buenas parrafadas pero creo que en su mayor parte pueden ser ignoradas, si te gustan los roguelikes este es de los mejores, ahora si no te gustan ese tipo de juegos pues puedes obviarlo tranquilamente.

Si estás en duda puedes descargarlo gratuitamente desde su página.
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Mensajes: 4635
Registrado: 15 Ago 2007, 15:30
STEAM: Jugador
Ubicación: Barcelona

Re: El mejor Roguelike ever: Tales of Maj'eyal

Mensaje por joselillo »

Si este tipo de juegos lo juega Nihil, entonces es compra segura. Ahora bien, la duda la tendrás con los DLC,s. Creo q en verano en algún otro post se habló si eran den compra obligada...